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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the Adventures of Superman!

starring Clark and Lois...

so Clark Vandeventer is challenging Lois Capps for congress... Clark is a proven leader: "he's able to leap tall Santa Barbara buildings in a single bound" says Randy Van Wolfswinkle.. "he's faster than a speeding bullet" says his wife...ok so Clark's non profit ain't doing so hot and a gov't job makes alot of sense..the big salary, the perks, the pensions...sure why not...He's got some Reagan mojo from being a former Reagan Ranch hand...shoveling horseshit for the Gipper or something like that..hey, ranches are cool pardner!
Clark's campaign, according to his daddy, will include thousands of mini-Clark bars to help bring Christian values to the 23rd district of California..a sugary Jesus high!!
and Clark is rightwing to the max.. Christian family values (like bigotry, intolerance and hypocrisy), church-going, the whole nine yards of rightwing phoniness is stamped on his face like 805 is stamped on a gangbangers head! Speaking of gang members, recall when a gangster was released and killed some cops recently: The suspect in the slaying of four police officers was released from an Arkansas prison nine years ago after a controversial decision by then-Gov. Mike Huckabee to commute his sentence. Maurice Clemmons, 37, was identified late Sunday by the Pierce County Sheriff's Office as a man sought for questioning . Clemmons has pending charges in Pierce County Superior Court for second-degree child rape and third-degree assault for an attack on a police officer. He was released from custody in those cases after posting a $150,000 bond, according to the Lakewood Police Department.

Clark and his little cadre of neocons and nonprofits supported Huckabee for McCain's vice president:
We believe that a pro-life, pro-family Vice Presidential running mate is critical to confirm to our constituents that you will take affirmative steps to protect these values. Your selection of a pro-life, pro-family running mate will be one of the first and most important opportunities to communicate your commitment to such values, since we believe that personnel is policy.
As citizens who love this country and as leaders who communicate collectively with millions of values voters, we met this week in Denver to discuss our shared moral values and the need to support your campaign. As a sincere expression of what we believe is necessary for your success, we strongly agreed to respectfully urge you to select former Governor Mike Huckabee as your running mate.
We believe putting Gov. Huckabee on your ticket will immediately excite, mobilize, and activate a key grassroots constituency that is essential to your success and the advancement and defense of the values we share. We have heard this message so clearly and consistently from our constituencies that we believe it is our duty to respectfully share it with you -- not as a demand or condition of our support -- but as an honest communication of what we believe to be the surest way to immediately activate millions of social conservative voters and activists nationwide in support of your candidacy.
Thank you for your consideration.
Phil Burress, President, Citizens for Community Values

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Gary Glenn, President, American Family Association of Michigan
David Barton, Wall Builders
Clark Vandeventer, Chief Executive Officer, World Changers Inc.
Kelly Shackelford, Esq., President, Liberty Legal institute
John Stemberger, Florida Attorney and Pro Family Advocate
Dr. Beverly LaHaye, Concerned Women for America
Dr. Tim F. LaHaye, Tim LaHaye Ministries
Rick Scarborough, President of Vision America ActionCampus Pastor, Liberty University
Jim Garlow, California Pastors Rapid Response Team
Steve Strang, publisher, Charisma magazine
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman, American Family Association
Randy Thomasson, PresidentCampaign for Children and Families
Joshua Straub, American Association of Christian Counselors
Sandy Rios, President of Culture Campaign
Deryl Edwards, President, Liberty Alliance
Linda Harvey, Mission America..anti civil rights

now, google any of those names and you get the most twisted hillbilly biblebelters evangelical Christian con artist nonprofit hypocrite bigoted intolerant nitwits poor excuse for Americans ever to walk on water! keep them out of California politics!!!

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