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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the fat and the skinny..

big girls don't cry?
I was reading the Santa Ynez Valley Journal and was struck by Nancy Crawford Hall's On the Ranch Nancy is a bit peeved at government for all the rules and regulations it forces on ranchers in the Santa Ynez Valley...she's pissed that the present board of supervisor majority may be forced to cut police/law enforcement due to budget issues..well, if you don't want to pay for salaries and benefits, then service will fall off... and what about the cops? these conservatives want less gov't intrusion except when it comes to the cops? why can't the ranchers fend for themselves, stockpile weapons and tanks in the barns so that when the progressive regressives come calling, they can fight back! if they want cops they need to pay salaries and benefits through taxes, they need to regulate the private sector greed, and they need to stop whining so much because it is getting old...the kicker here is Nancy's take on her own weight issues. If you don't know, she's a porker...and who does she blame for her eating problems? Michelle Obama, dieting, and the medical profession!!!!
geez Nancy, instead of eating a whole hog wrapped in a giant enchilada for breakfast, eat some pigs in a blanket instead, ie, 4 sausages wrapped in a pancake!! YUMMY!! ....less food and more exercise will help you lose weight
Food police and eating disorders
says Nancy: I was astounded to hear the other day from our First Lady that childhood obesity is a solvable issue. Wow! After listening to the discussion I was impressed with how simplistic an approach is being suggested that will solve the problem. I wish it were so. I have some rather personal experience with the issue as I like many others have battled weight all of my life. It has not been successful for a variety of reasons. First of all, I have realized after years of gaining weight, losing it only to gain it and more back that in order to stop the increasing weight gain, I had to stop dieting. I had to stop the cycle.
Next I realized that the food pyramid had to go. It was all wrong, particularly for me. I keep hearing that all I need to do is eat more fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Unfortunately, I can eat very little fruit as it contains lots of sugar. Sugar isn’t good for me and my system also does not tolerate much in the way of grains whole or otherwise. Meat, poultry and fish are things that are good for me that I can eat on a regular basis because they contain healthy elements that are found nowhere else.
There will always be some of us who gain weight no matter what because our systems don’t work properly. Rather than castigate us for being "lazy" or eating the wrong food, perhaps it would be more useful to do some research on how to fix our systems so they worked better. From my perspective, the life of dieting destroyed whatever system I had and now I am stuck with the results. It is painful but not much I can do about it. It is ignorant to blame us for being overweight when the medical profession has failed to come up with a solution that works. All I know now is that the answer is perhaps a very personal one for each of us as individuals. What may work for you may not work for me. That much I do know.
well then Porky you don't know very much...

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