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Thursday, March 4, 2010

guns and roses...

I get my coffee at 7/11 and I don't need a gun to do it....
WTF is going on in the caffeine soaked confines of yuppie coffeeshops like Starbucks? People have been entering coffee houses with unloaded guns in holsters in San Francisco, San Ramon and other places. But why coffee houses? I don't get it... expresso causes hyperactivity and may push someone over the could get shot just adding a little sugar to your brew!!!
it all started with the new law that allows people to carry guns in national parks and wildlife refuges..oh goody now I can go over to the Channel Islands and get some justice for all those dead piggies!!
but carrying an unloaded gun is like carrying a plastic hunting serves no purpose... in this case, it is used to highlight another issue.. to conceal or not. Most people I know have guns and would use them if necessary, but if I'm hiking the hills or getting a cup of coffee, I don't need a gun..I got a rifle and a Colt Buntline Scout that are ready, willing and able to cut down anyone who enters my home uninvited, but otherwise I'm a peacekeeper. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of twisted paranoid whack- conservatives packing heat..these folks should not be allowed on the street without proper supervision let alone be allowed to carry guns:
Early Wednesday morning, State Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Calif.) was pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. Sources report that Ashburn -- a fierce opponent of gay rights -- was driving drunk after leaving a gay nightclub; when the officer stopped the state-issued vehicle, there was an unidentified man in the passenger seat of the car. (who? Travis meybe!)
Ashburn has
issued an apology for the incident:
"I am deeply sorry for my actions and offer no excuse for my poor judgment....

hey maybe we should allow open containers of booze in our cars, too!

"We definitely applaud Starbucks for allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and we will continue to patronize them as long as they do," said Brad Huffman, who is also a National Rifle Association-certified instructor and member of Bay Area Open Carry, which lists 610 members on its Facebook page.
so there you have it.. conservatives can't even enter a Starbucks without fearing that someone is going to kill them!! maybe it's good to keep them afraid....

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