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Monday, March 8, 2010

happiness is a warm gun...

wayne's world
I got a letter from Fronchman Wayne LaPierre of the NRA..apparently Wayne is hysterical over the possiblility that Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Fienstein or Babs Boxer are plotting to take away my gun ownership seems I've been hearing this stuff from the NRA for ages but no one from the commie left has come to collect my weapons, not that I have any, but no gov't agency has ever inquired..ever...and they never will
ok since you orange Caltrans dudes are clueless, I'm gonna clue you in on how nature works, as I've observed her through the years...stop this insane project to destroy all the medians in Carpinteria..STOP IT!! the plants there serve a purpose beyond you..and the roadside plants you keep trying to kill, always grow back...stop trying to mow down the cattails, cat-o-nine tails or pussy willows..they are important habitat for many mosquito eating animals!!
Cattails and their associated microorganisms improve water and soil quality. They render organic pollution harmless, and fix atmospheric nitrogen, bringing it back into the food chain. They've even been planted along the Nile river to reduce soil salinity. Cattails and their associated microorganisms improve water and soil quality. The root system of this plant helps prevent erosion from waves created by boats or wind. The cattail provides an important habitat for many species of water fowl such as ducks, geese, marsh wren, mallards, yellow headed and red-winged blackbirds, as well as making a home for frogs, salamanders, deer, moose, elk and raccoons. Some people think of cattails as weeds that are a nuisance, however, they perform important functions that help make the wetlands healthy. They filter runoff as it flows into the water, which helps reduce nutrients as well as reducing mud that enters into the wetlands from the surrounding land. Artificial (man-made) and developed wetlands that have cattail improve water quality problems, addressing such things as various and multiple toxins that challenge wastewater and soil, heavy sediment deposition and nutrient enrichment. The presence of cattail can change levels of chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides, heavy metals, drugs and nitrates in the soil and water, in an inexpensive way. you see here, the cat tail seeds are dispersed in the wind..the answer my friend is blowing in the wind..
spring is for lovers...
and lastly, Lanny Ebenstein, the president of the SB County Taxpayers Association, a shady nonprofit that doesn't pay taxes, and who writes opinions for rich divorcee Wendy P McCuckoo's Santa Barbara NewsPress about those disgusting gov't working class people, got married. Congrats Lanny, looks like you bagged one of your students!! pretty cute... does she have rich parents?? The picture makes you look a little like Rainman, though.. yeeaaaaah yeeaaaah... I'm an excellent driver...
Oh, and I see you got hitched at the "Glendessary" mansion in SB which sounds very romantic and saveoursantabarbar-ish!
Enjoy a magical stay with us that you will never forget in our gorgeous historical estate just up the street from the old Mission. Built in 1897, this amazing estate sits on 2 acres of charming grounds with sweet hideaways such as our stone pagoda with adjacent rose garden, ancient Chumash grounds and a grand, romantic terrace....
geez...some guys have all the luck...

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