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Thursday, March 4, 2010

The S Opinion: Why Obama Used “Props” to Sell O Care

Funny how the president had no problems using “props” like doctors in lab coats when he’s trying to sell America on his outrageously expensive health care plan.

During, the so-called Health Care Summit when a Republican member of congress pulled out the 2,000 page health care reform bill, President Obama didn’t like it and called it a “prop”.

Lets set aside the president’s hypocrisy and get down to brass tax.

Obama and the Democrats wanted O Care passed swiftly LAST AUGUST.

And it didn’t happen only because of:
1. Town Hall Meetings
2. Talk Radio
3. The Blogosphere
4. Fox News

No where else was it possible to find out the actual details of the bill because CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and especially MSNBC were cheerleaders for the president’s plan without any examination of the cost to the country.

We have two types of people in America:

1. The Informed
2. The Uninformed

The president’s base of support depends heavily, 99.9% on the uninformed group which is why you saw the “lab coats:” behind the president yesterday to send a subliminal message to the great “uninformed” that if doctors are behind President Obama, it must be a good idea.

“Now lets go watch American Idol and continue in our ignorance.”

O knows how to deceive!

The Last Tradition

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