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Monday, August 8, 2011

Conservatives' fury at 'conspiracy' to discredit Michele Bachmann as Newsweek publishes 'crazy eyes' cover

You see how the Left is so afraid of Michele Bachmann? This cheap shot is an indication that Bachmann is scoring huge points with the public.

Otherwise why the attack?

Newswee was recently sold for a $1. That pretty much says it all.

Go Michele Go!!!

Daily Mail

Conservative commentators today attacked what they call a conspiracy among the liberal media to try to discredit Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann.

The outrage follows the latest cover of Newsweek featuring a huge photo of a wild-eyed Mrs Bachmann.

The headline advertising the magazine's story reads The Queen of Rage.

Fox News Channel contributor and conservative blogger Michelle Malkin wrote on Monday: 'Seriously, Tina Brown? Yes, I’m talking about you, Oxford University-educated Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown.

'You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged “crazy eyes?” Really?'

'No doubt the editors and photog will deny doing anything to make Bachmann look bad.'

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