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Monday, August 8, 2011

just another manic monday...

that's my fun day...

so the local reporters who covered the Friday Lance hearings said the day was spent discussing the Trombetta waivers and shredding documents....well while they were doing that, I was discovering that my heating element went out on the I ordered a new one for $26!

so Lance is pinning his hopes on the handwriting experts and wants to see the original waivers..but it appears that the cops shredded them, except one...

and here we have another conspiracy theory by Lance and Genis, his DUI lawyer..the cops destroyed evidence to protect Kasi Beutel and now Lance wants the case dismissed...

I'll have to wait until the end of August when the hearings resume..unless they settle before hand..this is what the hearings are about anyway..a settlement possiblity instead of a trial...this case is unprecedented...a DUI defendant runs to the News-Press to publish a mini-nove tell-all about the cop who arrested him....and the case gets a public opinion trial!

Lance tries to publish lots of things...he tried to write a tell-all book about the Survivor TV show, but the deal fell through...and he's mad at everyone..details later!

but the courts need not complicate things..first they should throw out all the handwriting experts since it's all opinion and not scientific...or they could hook Lance and Beutel up to a lie detector test...a device that has about as much use as tits on a nun...

now why did the cops destroy the waivers..

well, the cops didn't destroy evidence....they scanned the paper waivers and entered them into the city is after all digital age....and to reduce paper, they originals were shredded....that is standard procedure and Lance wants to change police procedures just because he got caught in a DUI?? and why is Daryll Genis so outraged? A DUI lawyer claiming he doesn't know what police procedure is on DUI matters..on DUI paperwork?? puleeze!

Importance Of Records Retention And Destruction By: Chris Ferrer

In this day and age of security, protection and confidentiality in terms of identity and personal information, it is very important for businesses in the commercial and health care industry to have safe guards to prevent exposure and risk in this area. Records Retention And Destruction should be a well planned and thought out process and procedure.

Many people and patients personal information are generated via standard reports, charts, labels and other documents. These forms of communication must be both stored and destroyed. Storage in itself has taken an entirely new look and process.

For decades companies have printed reams of paper that had protected patient information or private financial records and boxed them up. These boxes were then transported to a storage area within their building, or off site, and kept for seven years or longer. Every week, month and year that goes by, more and more boxes are added. This process continues to the point where they begin looking for more storage.

With the advancement in technology, all of these boxes that contain confidential data and information can now be stored electronically, online. Not only is it more secure in terms of password and username protection, but it also is not subject to natural weather elements or physical theft. Just imagine the cost savings in not having to purchase storage boxes, labels and use up valuable square footage. That space can now be converted to usable space instead of storage.

what they should do is get the signatures on an electrical unit like the UPS drivers use when they ask you to sign for a package...get rid of the paper tickets completely..then these silly time wasting episodes by drunks wouldn't happen!

handwriting experts need to go the way of the lie detector test...inadmissable in court!! it's stuff from the middle ages..In a trial by ordeal, supposed witches were immersed into a vat of water or pond, and taken out after some time, thus and given the opportunity to confess. This process was usually repeated until the victim drowned or gave up and confessed, leading to them being executed in another way, usually hanging or, more rarely, burning. Also, if they had their hands/feet tied, they would be left under water. If they floated they were guilty of witchcraft, if they sank they were innocent but would have usually drowned anyway...hey maybe that's what they got planned for Kasi!!

hooking you up to a machine to see if you're lying is absurd too...and the US Military issued hand held lie detectors in 2008 to use in Iraq and Afghanistan to see if terrorists were lying to us!!

no wonder we're losing our credit rating...we've already lost our credibility....why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan...why do people drink and did America get so dumb??

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