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Monday, March 1, 2010

Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care

Nothing like being told to walk the plank from a lady who spends $ 1000 bucks a week of taxpayer money on the finest booze and food when she flies between D.C. and San Francisco.

What does she care?

The voters in her district have “legal” pot shops on every corner. But, the weed being sold are strictly for medicinal purposes.

Do you really think Pelosi in in danger of losing her seat when everybody is too stoned to notice what a clown she is?

Fox News reports:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. health care even if it threatens their political careers, a call to arms that underscores the issue's massive role in this election year.

Lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public, Pelosi said in an interview being broadcast Sunday the ABC News program "This Week."

"We're not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress," she said. "We're here to do the job for the American people."

Pelosi, from San Francisco, is more liberal than scores of her Democratic colleagues. But she generally walks a careful line between urging them to back left-of-center policies and giving them a green light to buck party leaders to improve their re-election hopes.

"Time is up," she said. "We really have to go forth."

Full story

So what if a majority of the American people don't want the government to took over health care. This is the best opportunity Democrats have to control your life and they will make it happen by any means necessary.

Anybody got some weed?

Via Fox News

The Last Tradition

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