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Monday, March 1, 2010

runnin' bare

Why don't dogs make good dancers?
Because they have two left feet!
#86 (Wendy) ran an opinion piece by Animal Rescue Team babe #69 (Julia Di Sieno) and it totally made sense to #1 (me)!! The Dept of Fish and Game wants to increase bear hunting which I have no issue with. However, I prefer hunting bare but that's not the issue today .. Fish and Game also wants to allow hound dogs equipped with GPS units to hunt the bears..then the guy with the guns can locate the dog and consequently the bear! This is what has become of hunting? This is not hunting as any hunter will tell you. This is what they did on the Channel Islands during the pig massacre...this is animal abuse, not hunting. Now, Julia has smartened up to the point that she recognizes the value of real hunting as a tool for wildlife management, or food. That's good and a real breakthrough in our progress with the girl...I'll stand beside, on top, behind or in front of her to stop this GPS nonsense!!
Hunting is what predators do. Watch any big cat is a sight to behold; it knows how to kill. All hunters can learn from the cats, the hawks, the wolves, the coyotes and apply that to their hunting skills. DO NOT ATTACH GPS DEVICES TO YOUR GODDAM DOGS OR I'LL UNLEASH THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES ON YOU!!!!
I suppport the CDFG usually except when they veer off course like Tiger Woods did, then I gotta club 'em! get it??
the pro GPS guys are using a bunch of bullshit to promote their cause, saying the bear population is increasing. If it is increasing then it should be easier to find them, so why would you need a GPS on your dogs?? HUNT LIKE A MAN! NOT A PUSSY!! from the web: CDFG is also proposing to eliminate a prohibition on the use of Global Position Systems (GPS) to locate hounds used to tree bears. Hounds may become lost in the woods during hunting season, often for days at a time, or may be injured or killed by vehicles. Lifting the prohibition on GPS would help to ensure the safety of the dogs while allowing hunters to keep their dogs away from private property or other restricted areas.
"GPS dog recovery solutions are already legal for pets and dogs used for bird hunting in California, and legal for hounds in dozens of other states, provinces, and countries," said Josh Brones, Legislative Analyst for California Houndsmen for Conservation. "It’s time that California’s hounds enjoy the same welfare and protection."
hey hunting bears is dangerous..get used to it...if your dawg gets killed, that's life (or death).
ok so here's the thing: if you use a GPS unit to hunt bears you're a lazy ass piece of don't! use a rifle and a dog without a tracking device..your dog may get killed either way...hunt the way the old trappers did..with respect for nature!! now, we need to acknowledge that mistakes were made in the past by both sides with respect to the Solvang mountain lion cubs and Ojai bears..once we do, we grow as individuals and increase the capacity for love and understanding in our hearts.... yuk yuk yuk
but seriously, my solution for CDFG: allow the increase in hunting, allow the use of dogs, but do not allow the use of global tracking devices on the dogs....stop pampering these posers and pooches and give the bears a fighting chance...

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