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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I only have eyes for you....

hobby lobby

well, I never heard of Hobby Lobby out of Oklahoma but I read that they just gave fatboy pastor Rick Warren a 170 acre ranch, close to the Saddle Back "church" where Warren brainwashes his flock...the DOW dropped over 600 points yesterday on a credit downgrade from guy who looks like a terrorist....and investors panicked and sold which is ok..get the pussies out of the market and we'll all be fine..

Hobby Lobby is a religious cult/company that has a bunch of hobby arts and crafts stores and has made tons of money..they also were big fans of Jerry Falwell and other religious bigots....and they promote dominionism...

Dominionism: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

The future we must stop!

Revolution #33, February 5, 2006, posted at

Are you one of millions of people in this country and around the world who are alarmed about the rise of extreme reactionary religious fundamentalism in America? Angry at the growing attacks on the separation of church and state? Or weirded out when you see one of your relatives reading yet another one of the "Left Behind" novels, which have sold 60 million copies? You may get chills when you hear Bush's supporters say he was "sent by God." You hear some right-wing pastors talking about "reclaiming America for Jesus Christ" or bringing "the rule and reign of the cross to America," and it makes your skin crawl1. You have a creeping sense that the society these reactionary leaders would bring about would be horrible. But what you probably don't know is just how bad it would be - and what this has to do with Dominionism.

Don't know what Dominionism is? You're not alone. Very few people have heard of this brand of theology - let alone know what its program would represent if carried out, or how influential its doctrines and mandates are within the Bush administration and the Republican Party.

Dominionism2 is a doctrine which demands the total remaking of society to conform with the laws of the Old Testament of the Bible, and it states that the second coming of Jesus Christ will never occur until "God’s kingdom" is established on earth and reigns for either a thousand years or an unknown time period.

yes, I am concerned about the rise of cults lately..the native-only cult, the Tea Party cult, the religious cults..the guys who don't pay taxes...the churches....this is all a part of the economic problem that plagues America...the non-profits and corporations are destroying America's finances!! instead of paying their fair share, they are always on the take....chanting GOD and trying to fuck with the working class...

so we better wake is Tuesday and Wisconsin is having some recall elections..elections brought on by Scott Walker and his frat-boy cult who tried to end collective bargaining for public workers like firefighters, nurses, teachers, and street sweepers....

the Chrisitian cult teabagger Koch Brothers are funding these anti-worker initiatives..the Kochs work through all types of shady front groups like the Cato Institute..and our boy Lanny Ebenstein is one of their cult members...his non-profit group California Center for Public Policy is trying to get an anti-worker initiative on the ballot....the CCPP has all the usual suspects as board members or advisors: Tom Watson, Joe Armendariz and some other teabaggers....

so if I can isolate these cults, I can begin the process of extermination, politically that is..and if they come up to you and start in with the Jesus talk, DO NOT look at their eyes.... and whatever you do, do not elect Michelle Bachman or Charlie president....I'll be watching.....

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