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Monday, February 28, 2011

Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley keeps posing for Victoria’s Secret lingerie Transformers 3

The Sun reports the lovely ROSIE HUNTINGTON-WHITELEY isn't giving up the day job despite landing her Transformers 3 movie gig.

The British model is still posing in her undercrackers for Victoria's Secret.

It's a wise move considering the flick – which opens this summer – has yet to be reviewed.

If it bombs and wrecks her modelling career, she'll always be welcome down Easter Road to model the new Hibs kit.

Buxom Bombshell Jane Russell Dies at 89

CNN reports the 1940s and '50s movie bombshell, whose name was synonymous with voluptuousness, died Monday morning at her home in Santa Maria, California, her family said. Jane Russell was 89.

Daughter-in-law Etta Waterfield said that Russell was a "pillar of health" but caught a bad cold and died of respiratory difficulties.

Russell's children, Thomas K. Waterfield, Tracy Foundas and Robert "Buck" Waterfield," were at her side, Etta Waterfield said.

Eccentric philanthropist and movie producer Howard Hughes was the first to put Jane Russell on the silver screen, signing her to a seven-year contract in 1940 and promptly putting her in his production of "The Outlaw," a film about a torrid romance between Billy the Kid and woman named Rio (Russell).

The film got only limited release -- in 1943 -- because censors at the time were skittish about the attention given Russell's figure. Hughes wasn't satisfied. He pulled the film from release and kept it out of circulation for six more years while he did more reshoots and re-editing.
And, Hughes kept Russell off the screen -- her only other appearance during those seven years was in "The Young Widow" (1946), shot while she was on loan to United Artists.

Hughes' extensive publicity campaign for "The Outlaw," however -- she has said that he had her making appearances five days a week for five years -- made Russell popular during World War II as a pin-up, and when the movie was finally released in 1946, she was a star.

While Hughes fetishized Russell's body in other films after her initial contract ended and the two negotiated another, the actress quietly made a name for herself as a talented actress capable of high drama or light comedy. She appeared as Calamity Jane with Bob Hope in "The Paleface" (1948) -- another loan-out -- and a sequel, "Son of Paleface," in 1952 -- earning an Oscar nomination for the song "Am I in Love?"

Robert Mitchum was her co-star twice -- in 1951's "His Kind of Woman" and 1952's "Macao." She shared the screen with Frank Sinatra and Groucho Marx in 1951's "Double Dynamite," and with Victor Mature, Vincent Price and Hoagy Carmichael in "The Las Vegas Story" (1952).

But it was 1953's "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" with Marilyn Monroe that shot Russell into the stratosphere. She was hailed for her singing and comedic acting, and just two years later made her last film for Hughes.

Russell had some success as a singer in the 1940s, appearing with the Kay Kayser Orchestra, and in 1954 she and Beryl Davis, Connie Haines and Della Russell (later replaced by Rhonda Fleming) began recording religious-themed music and touring as The Four Girls.

More details here

Christian couple in the UK barred from being foster parents because of their views on Homosexuality

It’s a sad thing in this post-modern world where cultural relativism is the rule, Christians are made to feel like they’re the outcasts.

The Daily Mail reports that a Christian couple morally opposed to homosexuality today lost a High Court battle over the right to become foster carers.

Eunice and Owen Johns, aged 62 and 65, from Oakwood, Derby, went to court after a social worker expressed concerns when they said they could not tell a child a 'homosexual lifestyle' was acceptable.

The Pentecostal Christian couple had applied to Derby City Council to be respite carers but withdrew their application believing it was 'doomed to failure' because of the social worker's attitude to their religious beliefs.

The couple deny that they are homophobic and said they would love any child they were given. However, what they were 'not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing'.

Today they asked judges to rule that their faith should not be a bar to them becoming carers, and the law should protect their Christian values.
But Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson ruled that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation 'should take precedence' over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds.

The landmark case heard that the couple, who are now considering an appeal, argued their rights are being 'trumped' by those of homosexuals under equality legislation.

Outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London Mrs Johns stood alongside her husband as she said: 'We are extremely distressed at what the judges have ruled today.

'All we wanted was to offer a loving home to a child in need. We have a good track record as foster parents.

'But because we are Christians, with mainstream Christian views on sexual ethics, we are apparently unsuitable as foster parents.

'We are unsure how we can continue the application process following the court's ruling today.
'We have been excluded because we have moral opinions based on our faith and we feel sidelined because we are Christians with normal, mainstream, Christian views on sexual ethics.

'The judges have suggested that our views might harm children.

'We have been told by the Equality and Human Rights Commission that our moral views may "infect" a child

'We do not believe that this is so. We are prepared to love and accept any child. All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing.
More details here

Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance, is the refrain Liberals love to throw around. However, as often is the case, it rings hollow because what they’re really saying, “…agree with us or else!” There’s nothing tolerant about that whatsoever.

What we do here on earth is one thing. And it might be in vogue to act as if homosexuality is moral life style. But, for those of us who believe in a higher authority, we beg to differ and stand on that truth.

Criminal Minds Promo Pictures for Episode 6.18 'Lauren'

Embu, São Paulo (Brasil): Professora é executada à frente dos alunos

«Uma professora foi executada na manhã desta segunda-feira à frente de dezenas de alunos ao chegar à escola onde trabalhava, em Embu, cidade na área metropolitana de São Paulo (Brasil). Joyce Moraes Domingues, de 36 anos, foi alvejada à queima-roupa por um homem, que em seguida fugiu de carro com um cúmplice.

- Professora foi assassinada com quatro tiros nas costas e no peito -

A professora, que dava aulas de Educação Física, chegou à Escola Municipal Professor Paulo Freire, na Estrada Itapecirica e Campo Limpo, pouco depois das seis e meia da manhã, hora a que no local também já havia uma grande concentração de alunos à espera para entrarem no estabelecimento de ensino. Ela parou o seu carro e desceu, tendo sido nessa altura que o criminoso, que chegara ao mesmo tempo ao local num outro veículo, começou a disparar contra a docente.

Joyce, atingida por dois projécteis nas costas, ainda conseguiu virar-se e olhar para o seu homicida, que disparou mais duas vezes, tendo os tiros desta feita atingido a professora no peito. O homem correu para o carro onde estava o seu cúmplice e ambos desapareceram rapidamente do local.

Levada para um hospital da região, a professora não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu. Ela tinha voltado a dar aulas há apenas duas semanas, depois de ter ficado em licença maternidade pelo nascimento do seu único filho.

O pânico foi indescritível entre os alunos, chocados com a morte da professora, uma das mais queridas da escola, e por terem eles próprios temido pelas suas vidas. A polícia vai investigar a execução mas, até à noite desta segunda-feira, não tinha qualquer pista dos criminosos nem do possível móbil do crime.»

in CM online, 28-02-2011

Funcionário do Walt Disney World detido por tentativa de violação naquele parque de diversões

Um funcionário de um hotel do parque de diversões Walt Disney World, em Orlando, cidade da Florida (EUA), foi detido pela tentativa de abusar sexualmente de uma mãe solteira a quem tinha oferecido descontos.

A queixosa acordou no seu quarto quando Wilbert Brookins, de 31 anos, que tinha uma chave, estava a tentar tirar-lhe a roupa para consumar a violação. O funcionário do Walt Disney World terá agora que pagar dez mil dólares de fiança.

A mulher tinha feito uma reserva telefónica um mês antes, explicando a Brookins que era uma mãe solteira desempregada e iria pagar a viagem com o reembolso fiscal.

Ao ouvir isto, o homem ofereceu-se para fazer a reserva em seu nome, beneficiando do desconto para funcionários da Disney. Logo nessa altura, a interlocutora disse-lhe que não trocaria esse favor por sexo.

A mulher chegou ao Caribbean Beach Resort na terça-feira, acompanhada pelos filhos, mas regressou ao quarto e acabou por adormecer. Quando acordou estava a ser vítima da tentativa de violação.

Só apresentou queixa à polícia na tarde de quarta-feira, dizendo ainda que o funcionário da Disney lhe roubou o cartão de débito, a chave do quarto e 40 dólares em dinheiro.

in CM online, 28-02-2011

Sem-abrigo reencontrou filha onze anos depois no Twitter

Um sem-abrigo norte-americano encontrou a filha, que não via há onze anos, através do Twitter. Desde o momento em que @putodanny – o seu nickname na rede social – publicou uma foto da filha, até ao emocionante reencontro, passaram apenas dois dias.

O reencontro entre Daniel Morales e a filha aconteceu na última sexta-feira, em Nova Iorque, e foi documentado pelas câmaras da CNN.

Apesar de na foto a filha ter apenas 16 anos e hoje ser uma mulher adulta, houve uma terceira pessoa que a reconheceu e contactou o sem-abrigo.

Tudo isto foi possível por causa de um projecto inédito em Nova Iorque: um grupo de apoio a sem-abrigo doou telemóveis a quatro moradores de rua, para que contassem a sua vida diária.

Graças ao Twitter, Daniel Morales conheceu também os netos. Pai e filha perderam contacto em 2000, quando esta se mudou de Porto Rico para os EUA com a mãe.

Morales, que no passado foi segurança, conheceu as agruras da vida na rua depois de um acidente o ter incapacitado para o trabalho.

Hoje tem mais de quatro mil seguidores no Twitter e quer continuar a relatar a sua vida na rede social.»

in CM online, 28-02-2011

Albânia: Mãe porca pára trânsito para alimentar filhotes

Se os porcos têm má fama, o que dizer das porcas? E no entanto também elas são mães, com frequência bem dedicadas.

Prova disso foi um acontecimento raro testemunhado na Albânia pelo fotógrafo Michele Molinari.

Preocupada somente com os filhotes, uma porca parou para os amamentar em plena estrada.

in CM online, 28-02-2011

**NEW PHOTOS** Kiefer Sutherland Outside Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre After Performing In 'That Championship Season'

Stormy Stories..

with Mick Von Caw...

it was wet was cold was wet and cold I went outside where it was wet and cold..I sat down on a bench and the bench was made my pants look wet on the back underwear were wet, I went back inside and took off my pants and Jockeys and sat there naked while they was dry inside..and when I turned on the heater, it was was warm and dry and naked... I waited and my pants dried and I put them on then saw a pretty girl walk past my window, so I took them off again..then put them back on....

then I went outside again and there were clouds in the sky..big white clouds with some black ones in there too..the sky was integrated..

I saw a dog, I saw a cat, I saw some birds but I didn't see a bat....just then the wind picked up and swirled was cold and it felt good on my know what else feels good on my face, ladies??

then I turned on the scanner and the weather report confirmed my suspicions....the tides are influenced by the God, not by the moon...

stay tuned for more stormy stories!

Ted Kennedy 'rented out a Chilean brothel for the entire night, FBI files says

Once again true journalism occurs overseas.

Ted Kennedy, one of the worst drunkards in the history of the U.S. who literally got away with murder at Chappaquiddick and benefited from the same state run media that continues to white wash the incompetent that sits in the White House, has another peccadillo that has come to light.

The Daily Mail reports that the late U.S. senator Ted Kennedy has been accused of renting an entire Chilean brothel and seeking meetings with communists who had left-wing views.

The information came to light after a Freedom of Information request by Judicial Watch - the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption - who put pressure on the FBI to release the material.

Their file on the late senator, who died from brain cancer in August 2009, was released but contained a large amount of blacked out information - until now.

The statements previously withheld include accusations that during a tour of several Latin American countries he 'made arrangements to "rent" a brothel for an entire night, allegedly inviting one of the Embassy's chauffeurs to participate in the night's activities'.

In each country he visited he was also said to have 'insisted on interviewing "the angry young men" of the country as well as Communists who had extreme left-wing views'.

When he was in Mexico, it is said that his request to have certain left-wingers - one of whom was later linked with a Soviet spy ring - was refused as he was warned not to associate himself with such people.

More details here

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Night Malfunction: Melissa Leo drops F-bomb alter winning Best Supporting Actress

Melissa forgot she was being watched by 1 billion people world wide

*NEW VIDEO* What Is The Confession?: Behind The Scenes Episode 1

Behind the scenes of The Confession with Kiefer Sutherland and co-stars John Hurt, Max Casella, Michael Badalucco, Greg Ellis, and writer/director Brad Mirman.

Like The Confession on Facebook:  

I was rooting for True Grit for Best Picture, screw the fa fa fa freaking The King’s Speech

Is it too much for the Oscar to go to a movie about Americans? I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about a film about a stammering monarch. What the hell are the Golden Globes for that is run by the foreign press?

Give Best Picture to True Grit, damn it!

State-run media greatly exaggerating turnout for 50-state Union Protest, falls way short of expectations

Don’t fall for the glowing reports of a massive turnout of union protestors all over the country by the main stream Obama boot licking media. Unions workers represent less than 6% of the population. They are hugely outnumbered by the majority of the taxpaying public that pays their salaries.

It’s not even close!

But, the media will paint a far different picture because it’s their president they’re propping up.

The president, unions, and the media is the new Axis of Evil as far as the American peoples pocketbook is concerned.

Legal-insurrection reports that protests in support of Wisconsin public sector unions were organized by and labor unions today.Promoters, such as David Dayen at Firedoglake, were predicting a million-person turnout nationwide.
But reports as of 7:00 E.S.T. today make clear that other than in Madison, Wisconsin, the crowds were sparse.The turnout in Madison was sizable, with estimates ranging over from 50-70,000, which included protesters bused in from other states. (Dayen is trying to pump the crowd estimate to over 100,000.)
But elsewhere, the crowds numbered only in the hundreds or low thousands.In Washington, D.C., only about 500 people showed up (go to link for good photos of crazy signs). (Note, WaPo says 1000.)In Columbus, OH, where you would expect a big crowd given a similar controversy, only "several thousand" people protested. Other head counts, based on news reports, include: Boston (1000), Portsmouth, N.H. (few hundred), Augusta, ME (small crowd), New York City ("several thousand"), Chicago (1000), Miami (100), Austin (several hundred), Chicago (1000); Lansing, MI (2000), Nashville (hundreds), Los Angeles (2000), Richmond, VA (300), Denver (1000); Frankfurt, KY (several hundred), Jefferson City, MO (several hundred), Harrisburg, PA (several hundred). While I don't have a complete count, based on these numbers from some major cities and labor states, total protesters nationwide (excluding Madison) likely totaled under 100,000 combined.

The 50-state protest was a failure, plain and simple, although the images from Madison may create the false impression of massive nationwide protests.
More details here


AFL-CIO chief and bed partner Richard Trumka blesses Obama's handling of Wisconsin labor battle

Wow, is this really news considering Trumka and Obama practically share the same underwear? Here’s Trunk admitting he visits the White House two to three times a week, more than Obama’s own cabinet secretaries.

Truaka is part of Obama’s shadow cabinet. That’s what happens when the AFL-CIO raises millions for Obama’s run for president and Obama returns the favor by giving the union millions of dollars back in Stimulus money. The president is a shill for the unions and the rest of the taxpaying public pays for this mutual masturbation sessions.

It’s time to smell the coffee, folks!

That’s unless of course if the union doesn’t go on strike delivering it to your local store or diner.

The Hill reports that AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka gave his blessing Sunday to President Obama's handling of the labor standoff in Wisconsin. Amid some criticism on the left that Obama could do more to boost unions in their demonstrations against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and his proposal to eliminate most collective bargaining rights for public workers, Trumka said the president was doing just fine. "I think he's doing it the right way," Trumka said on NBC's "Meet the Press." A growing number of Democrats have pressed Obama to take more of a leading role in the labor dispute. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), a co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, last week called for Obama to head to Wisconsin.

More details here

Here’s Trunka parroting Obama propaganda of class warfare and more big government spending. When he mentions fighting for working families, translation, let’s really screw the taxpayers dry to pay for our bloated benefit packages that private industry employees wish they had.


Obama to Trunka: “Move over Dick, I like sleeping on the left side of the bed.”


And the Oscar goes to…nobody! Hollywood suffering crisis lack of quality films

I consider myself a film buff and I have to say that the quality of movies coming out of Hollywood since 2005 have been a joke. It’s been a never ending succession of films about comic book heroes and sequel after sequel.

What ever happened to films based on great novels or just an original screenplay for a change?

Just last week I looked up 8 flicks at my local multiplex and couldn’t find near one movie I had the least bit interest in seeing. That’s how bad the garbage is that Hollywood id putting out.

I remember come Oscar time, most of the 5 movies nominated were really great films. Today, you’ll lucky to find one in a field of ten.

It’s a sad commentary on an industry that has sunken to its lowest depths.

Be ashamed, Hollywood, be very ashamed!

The Last Tradition’s shameless Oscar Night Bikini Babes Show

My futile attempt to distract a billion viewers away from The Oscars.

Hi my name is Samuel Gonzalez. If this is you’re first time visiting The Last Tradition I hope you come again, for the articles I mean.

TLT is a conservative political blog. Not all conservatives are the same but we all believe in limited government, free markets, freedom of the individual, traditional values and a strong national defense.

I like to have fun and have been known to be very politically incorrect. On the other hand, Liberals who like to call themselves Progressives use PC to hide their true objectives. This blog, along with my friends Another Black Conservative and Left Coast Rebel are the places to go to get the truth.

But, we like pretty girls too.

Become a follower whether you’re a Conservative or a Liberal on the verge of seeing the light and get informed!

mother nature's punk...

keep pushing me..go ahead..I'll end this blog NOW and start a Weather Blog...Mick's Storm that what you want??

see this picture..that's hail and snow..yesterday in Carp....I've never seen that before..I should get an award! or maybe I'll charge a subscription..$4 per month x 7 readers = $28 in my pocket!

now, one of my punk ass readers asked what does nature have to do with the News-Press? he's bored with my nature talks! listen punk, I won't be bullied to write what you want me to it?? I write what I want, not, what does nature have to do with the News-Press? I'll tell ya what: Wendy passes herself off as an animal advocate yet she supported the slaughter on the Channel that makes her a, as far as comments go, I've designed this blog to be so honest yet offensive that only either geniuses or fools will little punk ass reader is a fool..obviously..

however I do get emails just like Wendy..some professing love and others professing hate....make up your minds!!

ok so now where does that leave me? I don't 'bout we visit some old Wendy words.. and my interpretation of her words in red...her hypocritical words....

Opinion: McCaw: Setting the Record Straight

July 25, 2006 7:34 AM

Since the recent resignation of several newsroom staffers, I have done my best to take the high road and not involve the paper in a name-calling contest. I continue to feel that moving the paper forward and putting this behind us is the best course of action. But in light of the recent deluge of misrepresentations, misperceptions, personal attacks and outright lies, I feel I owe it to you to set the record straight. (ie, lie to you)

First and foremost, this is not a freedom-of-the-press issue. I completely support the rights of a free press. I always have and I always will. It is one of the reasons I bought the paper. I support and understand the need for separation between the editorial, news and advertising pages. There is no place for personal opinion or agendas in news coverage.

Violations of our paper's policies and standards are what brought on this conflict. As owner and co-publisher, it was my responsibility to step in and handle this internal matter. Nine members of the staff, out of more than 200, chose to resign rather than accept my decisions. I respect their right to do so.

Earlier this month, I appointed Travis Armstrong (who??) to temporarily act as publisher. We are in the process of hiring a new editor who is a strong journalist with impeccable credentials to be the buffer between the newsroom and the publisher. Arthur Von Wiesenberger and I are the co-publishers of the News-Press.
(cuz he's my honey)

It is personally painful for me, and I know it is for all dedicated News-Press staff, to be placed in such a situation. Our energies can and should be focused in positive ways to work together, not on divisive rhetoric. For the quiet majority who sent e-mails and notes of support to me and my staff, I say thank you. I want to assure you that I remain totally committed to overcoming this adversity and staying the course (thanks to my ex hubby's money) Let me put a rumor to rest. The paper is absolutely not for sale.
(because I've driven the value down so low no one will buy it!)

Some newsroom staff has indicated that they wish to be represented by the Teamsters Union. (ie, the devil) The National Labor Relations Board has rules and procedures under which a collective bargaining unit can be established and employees can express their uncoerced views, including a secret ballot election. (however, I don't have to obey the law)
While I don't believe that union representation is in the best interests of our employees, the paper or this community, I respect our employees' rights to make their own decisions.
(except when they conflict with mine!)

Our staff members understand they are free to publicly discuss unionization issues and I expect there will be a full and open debate regarding the attempts by the Teamsters to unionize our paper. ( I tried duct tape over their smarty mouths, but it didn't work) Meanwhile, we are taking the necessary steps to ensure the paper is published every day as usual, thanks to our dedicated and hard-working staff.
(who know howta kiss my butt)

Our staff members understand they are free to publicly discuss unionization issues. (but will be fired!) There was no attempt to gag or otherwise hinder free speech. I would not permit such a thing.
(besides, none of our reporters are over 15 years old and they don't know what a union is!)

One of the basic tenets of good reporting (so I've heard) is that there are always two sides to every story. Up to now, most of you have only heard the attacks being hurled at the News-Press by those with other agendas besides journalism. That's over now. I will stand up for this paper, my employees and our community whenever and wherever it is needed.

A new chapter in this paper's history is unfolding. I invite you to join me in making a difference in our community -- instead of forming the great divide which makes for good tabloid coverage but benefits no one.

I would like to personally thank all of our loyal advertisers and readers for staying with us through this difficult time. I am gratified that in July our new subscriptions exceeded cancellations, resulting in a net subscription increase of 406. (I'm rich, I can lie) While the vocal minority has tried to make a lot of noise, the quiet majority are showing their support.

Many years ago, I accepted the fact that the difficult decisions I must make as owner and co-publisher do not make me popular. I am not running a popularity contest. I am running a newspaper (into the ground). I will always do what I think is best for the News-Press and our community.

Wendy McCaw is owner and co-publisher of the News-Press.

well I am running a popularity contest! ok so who's more popular... me or Wendy??

África do Sul: Elefante excitado faz sexo com carro

Um casal de irlandeses que passeava num Volkswagen Passat pela reserva natural Pilanesberg, na África do Sul, nem queria acreditar quando um enorme elefante se começou a insinuar junto ao carro.

Visivelmente excitado e aparentemente convencido de que o automóvel era fêmea, fez uns quantos esforços para acasalar. E não ficou por aí. Talvez para variar um pouco, meteu depois a tromba ao trabalho, empurrou, e fez o carro capotar...

in CM online, 27-02-2011
Também aqui:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sexy Kim Kardashian topless jeans photo

Not a fan of the show, but defiantly a fan of her body. And at 30, she’s looking better and better.

The Sun reports these sexy new snaps of KIM KARDASHIAN are simply jean-ius.

The new magazine shots show the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star in a string of sexy poses.

In one saucy pic, Kim, 30, poses in unzipped denim with just her arms covering her boobs from exposure.

In another shot, the curvaceous reality babe makes the breast of her natural assets in a frilly red bra and denim waistcoat.

More details here

Here’s a guy who loves Kim’s assets. WARNING don’t play video if you offend easily.

New Rockford, Illinois tourism Video ad: Come hide away like you’re a state senator

This ad is pretty funny!

Only Liberals can make the act of running away from responsibility, a heroic thing to do. What do you expect from people like this? They’re the party that represents, for the most part, people that don’t accept responsibility for anything. In more blunt language, they are the party of the fuck ups and degenerates in this country that always have an excuse as to why they never amounted to anything in this country.

Or they’re actually successful, but feel so guilty about their comfortable life, they feel the need to look out for the quote, “little guy” that can’t make it in life without their help.

Hot Air reports that Cheeky link bait aimed at conservative blogs or earnest ad campaign targeting progressives?

It’s the former for the moment, but let’s face it — if the fleebaggers succeed in waiting Scott Walker out and getting the collective bargaining bill killed, they’ll be instantly beatified on the left. Tales of their exploits shall be passed down in hushed tones from one generation of six-figure-income unionized public workers to the next.

Why, without the “Wisconsin 14,” kids will be told, mom and dad would have had to struggle the way the chumps in private employee unions do.

There’s tourism gold waiting to be mined in that kind of hagiography. Imagine visiting Rockford and sitting at the very same table where that
moron accused Republicans of disrupting the democratic process by not letting him vote by phone — after he’d fled Wisconsin.

More details here

Bottom line, the Liberal/Progressives have a very warped sense of reality. This is what the Cowardly 14 represents and explains why children ought not grow up to be Liberals.


Insane AFL-CIO Boss and Obama bed partner Richard Trumka Says Raising Taxes Best Way to Create Jobs

Please, when I say bed partner, I’m not accusing the president of being Gay. I’m using metaphoric language to describe a very cozy relationship.

Let’s understand that Richard Trumka has admitted to visiting the White House two or three times a week

As the video shows the Obama administration has met more with the head of one of the most prominent and powerful unions in the country MORE than he meets with his own cabinet.

This is unbelievable!

But, it tells you more about where Obama’s loyalties truly lies more with the unions who gave him more than 60 million dollars for his presidential rum.

Now these same unions want payback for their investment.

Obama is not a president; he’s a union hack pure and simple. Don’t believe the lies state-run media is saying.

Theodore’s World reports what's the best way to get Americans back to work?

Raise taxes, according to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Specifically, he wants to raise the federal gas tax as a means to fund infrastructure spending. "We need a dedicated source of revenue to create infrastructure in this country," he tells Aaron Task in the accompanying clip.

"We need to create jobs. The best way to do that is through infrastructure development." Simply maintaining the existing infrastructure in this country will cost $2.2 trillion over five years, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. That doesn't include Obama's objective of high-speed rails and green energy projects.

Trumka didn't say specifically how much he would raise the gas tax, but mentioned he's shown the President a $256 billion plan to improve infrastructure. If every billion spent on infrastructure creates 35,000 jobs, as he claims, this package would create close to 9 million jobs over the next five years.

More details here

Trumka is lying through his teeth!

First of all the Stimulus package that spent 800 billion dollars was supposed to to the “shovel ready” projects Obama was talking about,

There was no shovel ready anything.

All that money went to the states to keep public sector unions, Obama’s base, employed. So why should we believe anything Trunka has to say now?

There guys really think the American people are as stupid as the average Obama supporter.

Video: Joan Rivers calls Rihanna, “a bitch!” on Fashion Police

I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again. Rihanna has issues!

There’s something wrong when a women wears gun jewelry around her neck and rocks a big tat of a gun on her leg. And what’s with this Raggedy Anne color hair she’s been sporting for months? It’s a nice look for a night or two, but gimmie a break!

She looks ridiculous.

Maybe Chris Brown had a reason to beat her ass after all?

Joan Rivers may agree.

'The Confession' Web Series Premiere Date Announced

Brad Mirman, director and writer of the upcoming web series starring Kiefer Sutherland and John Hurt has announced a premiere date. 

The first two episodes will be shown on March 28, 2011

From @BradMirman: NEWS: Looks like the internet premiere of the first two episodes of will be March 28th.

'The Confession' page on

Out-of-control Big Brother Govt Ga. Girl Scouts fear arrest for selling cookies in strip mall

Welcome to Bamazula where eventually you’ll need a permit to pee in your own bathroom for fear of using too much water from flushing.

Sounds impossible?

Liberals think they know what’s best for everyone else, but they never seem to live by the rules they set.

CBS News reports that Girl Scouts all over the US have started selling cookies door-to-door, outside of grocery stores and on street corners - little did they know they could possibly be cited for peddling.

According to a troop leader, a group of Georgia Girl Scouts thought they were headed to jail when a police officer asked them for their peddler's permit to sell cookies outside of their local strip mall in Villa Rica, 30 miles outside of Atlanta, on Wednesday.

When they weren't able to show a permit, the officer told them to pack it up. Troop leader Kathy Crook told local station
WXIA-TV in Atlanta that she was stunned.

More details here

Drunk Man’s Wild Interview With PA TV Station About Local Fire: ‘I’m Gonna Get Racial Here’

Losing your home in a fire is a devastating thing to go through. I feel this man’s pain, although I can’t really report what actually happened.

Make your own judgment.

From The Blaze

“I heard a kerosene explosion…BOOM!…freakin’ I heard it! Freakin’….I heard the freakin’ explosion.”

So said an incredibly intoxicated man, speaking to a local Pennsylvania news station,
WNEP-TV, during daylight hours about an explosion that set his house on fire. It’s not clear what the back story here is–or when this all happened–but if the drunkard is to be believed, a kerosene blast of sorts caused the house to sahhh-moke fff-flying through the wall and I said ‘look at, the house is on fire.’…fff-freaking. I knew burst into flames.

I think the man had some racial thoughts in his mind, but he never said them.

Owner (Patrick Sweeney) of The Merchant restaurant in Madison WIphone # (608) 259-9799 makes up story about kickung out Gov Scott Walker and family

This news is a week in coming out. But, it’s better late than never!

I think the rest of the country should know how they roll in Madison.
These are the people that are sucking the taxpayers blind with their bloated benefit packages they got from previous Democrat governors.

Call The Merchant and make reservations.
The Badger Blogge says: Well my friends, this is the case of a Madison restaurant trying to gain liberal credibility by making up a total lie about how they booted Scott Walker out of their establishment. When BadgerBlogger called them to confirm the story, the staff refused to confirm or deny, and continued to obfuscate until they hung up the phone… But in fact, they didn’t hang up, it appears that they accidentally put the phone on speaker…. And BadgerBlogger tapes continued to roll.

Our audio captures the restaurant staff talking about how they have to take down the blog posting because people are starting to call about it, you can actually hear them logging into the blog and deleting it. Too late.

We confirm with Governor Walker’s staff that the Governor has never been to that restaurant, this was an attempted “punking” by employees of The Merchant Restaurant, but look who got punked… In the words of Joe Wilson, You Lie!

You can listen to our audio, and judge for yourself. Do not turn it off after the hang-up, that’s when it gets good.
More details here


Thomas Gibson Live on Regis and Kelly

Thomas Gibson Interview on the Wendy Williams Show

live let live...

not die...

a few years back I was having lunch at Peabody's in Montecito with a pretty blonde lady...there were just a few folks there that day..TC Boyle was one of them.. he was sitting at the bar, not saying much, turning around now and then but minding his own business; there was a drunk guy swaying at the bar and talking very loudly, hitting on my friend...I was getting a bit jealous as she flirted with burger arrived..we ate and drank and the banter was like a scene in a TC Boyle novel! now, I've long questioned conservationists' commitment to killing as a means to preserve certain populations....kill kill kill....indiscriminate killing where all species die, where land is poisoned, where bastard plants are demonized...conservation by wealthy non-profits is a huge scam...and it is going on everywhere..all around the world from Alaska to TC Boyle has a new novel out that examines the Channel Islands killings...

T.C. Boyle's When the Killing's Done (Viking, $26.95)

Boyle is a fantastic writer, so I'll read the book....from a review:

In one corner of the ring stands Alma Boyd Takesue and her partner, Tim Sickafoose, National Park Service biologists involved in programs to exterminate invaders — think rats and wild pigs — decimating the islands' native species.

Standing opposite are dreadlocked local businessman Dave LaJoy and his partner, folk singer Anise Reed, charter members of For the Protection of Animals, a radical animal rights group opposed to killing animals under any circumstances...

if you've followed the Channel Islands saga, you'll remember Rob Puddicombe and Scarlett Newton as the animal rights folks (CHIAPA) who brought attention to the bloody restoration, so I think Boyle used them as central characters....

I think this is all good..take a look at bionativism that demands non-native people return certain areas to a native's absurd..the conservationists have gone too far with their rescuer complexes..they want to save everything..but their efforts have fallen short...the reality doesn't support their conclusions..or their actions..and the unintended consequences of killing and poisoning the landscape has led to phony PR releases claiming populations are rebounding when they aren't...and when a non-profit like the Nature Conservancy is involved, I must be skeptical as they were a big supporter of know, the oil company that covered the southern coast with crude oil and devasted lives....keep this issue front and center!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Open Range, a Western classic for all times

Here’s another film that should’ve won Best Picture.

This 2003 movie directed and starring Kevin Costner and Robert Duval is a tale of friendship, love, and the pursuit of justice in a crooked world.

The acting is first rate, and the musical score is haunting and quintessential Western heroism.