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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

everyone's gone to the movies..

now we're alone at last...

hey kids, your school and parents are trying to teach you about
s-e-x, but they are repressed to such a degree, the only way you'll learn anything is from your peers or Nature...the way it works is adults stumble all over themselves when s-e-x is the subject..s-e-x, the reason we're here, is a biological function of the species..but Americans through the ages have so misunderstood the yin and yang (you got a yin and I got a yang..real simple) that s-e-x has become a big industry..that's right..the inability to grasp simple biological concepts has pushed s-e-x into the arena of addiction, fear and ignorance..just look at the GOP lately!!
and that where it has stayed which is why we have teen pregnancies, abortions, porn, women like Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean and other CONSEQUENCES of institutionalized ignorance, courtesy of your mom and dad and schools..may God watch over you! and you gay people.. don't kiss in Mormon Utah, you could be arrested!
Now, my first b-o-n-e-r happened in the sixth grade or so..apparently, this is a life-long condition, so get used to it...I didn't know WTF was going on.... but all of a sudden I had a new friend! I think that's why I spent alot of time alone...but it wasn't a big deal, I still would rather ride a bike or play baseball with my pals or go to the movies..then girls started to become more friends and I would talk about our d-i-c-k-s sometimes pull them out to show each other..harmless child play..but always the girls would fascinate us..especially the teachers..they were beautiful and I remember a few with big
b-o-o-b-s and an awesome blonde, Miss Stucker, who had us in a frenzy in 6th grade!! So where was the sex education? Nowhere..that came in the form of a movie in high school biology that was lame..we were sitting in the back of the room cracking up while the low quality movie with a low enegy narrator tried to bore the hell out of us about
i-n-te-r-c-o-u-r-s-e...I guess the thinking was if they bore us, we won't have sex!! Not likely...people will have Sarah Palin would say.."we're hard-wired that way".. The problems arise when some adults can't muster up the courage to be blunt and realistic about sex, instead they attach every neurotic impulse to their own conflicted sexuality and pass it on to their kids: sex is bad...or
m-a-s-t-u-r-b-a-t-i-o-n gives you warts or drives you crazy, abstinence only works, and on and on's all a bunch of bullshit..if you educate children about math, then educate them about sex...
better them a Mae West movie...

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