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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Irate Indonesians Want Obmam Statue Ripped Down

Apparently eating and taking a dump in Indonesia for fours years doesn’t deserve a statue.

As President Barack Obama’s popularity in the United States continues to nose dive, that same wave is spreading around the world.

Less than a month after a bronze statue of Obama was unveiled in Jakarta,

55,000 Indonesians have signed a petition demanding the statue which depicts Obama as a ten year old boy, be taken down.

Obama, who was born in Hawaii, lived for four years as a child in Jakarta from 1967 after his divorced mother married an Indonesian.

But, that fact doesn’t seem to be enough of a reason to deserve a monument according to some:

Members of the "Take Down the Barack Obama Statue in Menteng Park" group on Facebook say Obama has done nothing for Indonesia

“Barack Obama has yet to make a significant contribution to the Indonesian nation. We could say Obama only ate and s (expletive) in Menteng. He spent his subsequent days living as an American," the web page says.

"For the dignity of a sovereign nation, Barack Obama's monument in Menteng Park must be removed immediately."

Government officials are mulling over how to handle this grass roots uprising.

Brother, I feel you pain because he isn’t doing much for the United States either.

Via Google News


Via Gateway Pundit

From The Last Tradition

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