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Monday, January 25, 2010

Planned Parenthood Rallying Troops on Abortion and ObamaCare

I got a call from my best friend, Felix, who’s wife is a Health Care profession. They had a fight over the weekend over an email she received from Planned Parenthood celebrating the 37th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade.

What the hell is there to celebrate, 50 million babies murdered since 1973? said Felix

I won’t go into the other aspects of their fight, but I told I need to see that email.

Here it is:

Dear Michelle,

1 in 3 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by the age of 45.

The 37th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is a good time to remember that abortion is health care. PPNYC CEO Joan Malin addresses that issue in today’s Huffington Post.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Planned Parenthood NYC

So I held my nose and visited the Huffington Post and here is an except of the article written by Jaon Malin, CEO of New York City Planned Parenthood:

“Yet, on this anniversary of Roe. V. Wade, Congress could pass one of the biggest restrictions to abortion access thus far. The health care reform bill, while currently in flux, contains language that would essentially eliminate insurance coverage for any and all abortions, leaving women much worse off than they were before.

Which leaves me begging the question: when will this country realize that abortion care is health care?”

Oh, so now the murder of innocent unborn babies is somehow is synonymous with health care? How does that work exactly? How is the health care of the unborn taken into consideration if his or her life is snatched away by a vacuum cleaner?

It seems to me that Leftist are are quick to point out intolerance in other people, especially Conservatives. But, when it comes to their own intolerance for innocent lives, it doesn’t seem to apply.

Via The Huffington Post

From The Last Tradition

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