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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sarah Palin: President Obama Pushing Racial Myth'

Bravo Sarah Palin!

I give a heck of a lot of credit to Sarah Palin for once again showing that she’s a Conservative with more balls than the so-called men in the Republican Party.

Recently, Jeb Bush and more disappoitingly Marco Rubio backed away from the new immagration law in Arizona.

Bad move gentlemen!

You both failed a test of leadership.

You’re punking out on an important issue because your both falling into the Democrat trap of being labeled racist.

Not Sarah!

She’s not afraid to engage in race rhetoric and defend Conservatrism and protecting the soverignty of this nation.

Hey, Jeb and Marco, you should be ashamed!

Go Sarah go!

From The Politico:

Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin on Tuesday night declared that there is “no ability or opportunity” for the new Arizona immigration law to encourage racial profiling, and blamed Barack Obama for “perpetuating this myth.”

The new law allows police offices to stop anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant and ask to see documents proving their legal status. If the person cannot provide the documents, Arizona police now have the right to detain them until the federal government can prove they are legal.

Civil rights activists have decried the new law as “racist,” but Palin dismissed the attacks during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

“There is no ability or opportunity in there for the racial profiling,” she said. “Shame on the lame stream media again for turning this into something that it is not.”

Palin then blamed the president for allowing the “myth” that the law allows racial profiling to take hold.

“It's shameful, too, that the Obama administration has allowed...this to become more of a racial issue by perpetuating this myth that racial profiling is a part of this law,” she said.

“I think that President Obama is playing to his base on this one. And I think that's quite unfortunate because this isn't fair to the legal immigrants. It's not fair to illegal immigrants either…many of them want to come here and find that pathway to citizenship.”
Asked for her reaction to some on the left who have compared the new law to Nazi Germany, Palin said “it is over-the-top.”

“It’s really to incite and energize some of Obama's base, hoping that they’ll show up at the polls in the midterm elections in November,” Palin said of criticism of the law.
Full story

Via Politico

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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