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Monday, February 14, 2011

Paul Ryan: Obama’s budget means ‘bankruptcy'

Paul Ryan is one of the smartest congressmen when it comes to budgetary issues. He’s much smarter than the president who knows as much about fiscal policy as Lady Gaga knows about moral decency.

The Politico reports that House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) dismissed President Obama’s budget as failing to meet the “critical test of leadership.” But he said that Republican members of his panel “want to get serious” and that he expects to bring a “consensus budget” for next year to the House floor by mid-April.

Citing last week’s rank-and-file revolt against GOP leaders on a spending-cut plan for the rest of the fiscal year, he spotlighted the contrast to Obama’s business-as-usual approach. “We are changing the culture in the right direction,” Ryan told POLITICO today. “Our members want to go further. This is constructive.”

By contrast, Ryan said in an earlier statement, Obama’s budget “accelerates our country down the path to bankruptcy.” And he continued to criticize Obama for having “punted” the tough decisions.

Ryan, who has offered his own detailed plans for revamping federal spending and taxes, said that his challenge now is to secure a House majority. “Everybody who knows me knows what I stand for,” he said in the interview. Along with Speaker John Boehner, he added, House GOP leaders will respond in “a small-d democracy”to their members’ views. “This won’t be a Pelosi-style dictatorship,” he added, in a reference to the previous House speaker.


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