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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I found one!! a good non-profit! Now, don't get me wrong..if I'm hungry I'll kill to eat..kill, gut, skin and fry like a hawk does..but I won't kill just to kill to kill to kill to kill like the Nature Conspiracy coqui suckers do....
The Good Shepherd Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c) 3 organization, founded in 1949 in California by a wonderful, compassionate woman named Rosalie Gordon. Responding to the cruelty of animal research, also called vivisection, Rosalie waged continuous compaigns to save animals from suffering in the name of science. She labored to stop the sale of homeless animals for use in research, and she started a no-kill humane shelter for abused and unwanted dogs and cats. Rosalie also was a great promoter of spay and neuter programs, and the Good Shepherd sponsored local spay and neuter efforts in California by helping pet owners pay for these services. The Good Shepherd Foundation also worked to protect wild horses and other wildlife in our National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries and helped pass the first legislation in the U.S. banning the use of steel-jaw leghold traps. In addition, the Foundation started Childrens Gardens, a pre-school for children with a focus on animals and nature.
from December 1959:
"Kind Friends --"A joyous year of rich fulfillment to you all!"A severely bitten hand (received when a frightened little dog at our shelter misunderstood my attempts to feed it) has put my typing hand out of commission for a while."This had made impossible the preparation of our usual Christmas Bulletin. We are therefore using this means to wish you the joys of the Holiday Season, and to express our loving gratitude for the help you have rendered our little orphan animals in the past."P.S. I have discovered that the operation of an IBM Electric Typewriter (Executive model) places less strain on my injured hand and would enable me to carry on this important phase of our work with far less effort."May I express the wistful hope that Santa might deliver such a machine to us as a Christmas gift, so that I can serve the creatures more effectively?" (signed) Rosalie Gordon, president. Good Shepherd Foundation, Inc., 133 Van Norman Rd.,Montebello.
Saving the Frogs
Recently, the Foundation has been working on the problems relating to so-called "invasive species" and the hazards to the environment, humans, and non-target animals and plants associated with attempts to eradicate and control these populations. Since 2001, we have been trying to end efforts to eradicate Hawaiian coqui tree frogs, which have been under attack by Federal, State and County agencies. Our position has been the acceptance of the frogs, and we have helped balance the anti-coqui hysteria with sound reason and science. To address this issue, the Foundation launched a new program called, C.H.I.R.P., (Coqui Hawaiian Integration and Reeducation Project), and ISCD Press has published a book on the subject, entitled, Panic in Paradise: Invasive Species Hysteria and the Hawaiian Coqui Frog War. We also created a website, , which has helped educate the public about the reasons why the coqui should be accepted as part of the Hawaiian environment. C.H.I.R.P. has been featured in numerous publications and on several television specials, and has helped mobilize Puerto Rico in its efforts to end the war against their beloved coqui. hey..I wonder if the Channel Islands have enough froggies??
now, send some cash to help non-native species fight the native-only cultists!!!

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