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Friday, January 8, 2010

Brit Hume: A Profile in Courage in a Godless Landscape

Embattled Brit Hume last Sunday showed tremendous courage by extending an invitation to Tiger Woods to the Christian faith. Not many people if any in his position on television would ever dare come close to talking about such a thing in an industry dominated by Liberals who routinely only pay lip service to a belief in God, let alone Jesus Christ.

The torrent of criticism hurled at Hume by The Left was expected and even vicious at times. However, Hume is applaud by Christians around the world who rightly understand that what he did was not only compassionate, but also he was obeying the last commandment that was issued by Christ himself.

Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Of course, Liberals in their total ignorance of who Jesus was and what he actually did and said, are busting their collective spleens accusing Hume of disparaging Hinduism and by extension all other man-made religions.

Here's a sample:

Why Brit Hume Comment on Tiger Woods is Creepy, Wrong
By John Aloysius Farrell U.S. News & World Report

“It takes a religious zealot to strap explosives around his or her waist and, murmuring prayers, blow up a CIA facility in Afghanistan, or take down an airplane over Detroit, or steer a jet into the World Trade Center. Or, for that matter, to treat the world to Crusades and Inquisitions and the kind of faith-based savagery we've seen in places like Belfast, Bosnia, Beirut, and Jerusalem.

That is what made Brit's comments so creepy: the self-certainty that "my god is better than yours."

Hume has the right to yak. People get paid to say all sorts of provocative things these days. I have no doubt that some of his best friends are Jewish, or Buddhist, or of a different Christian denomination. I am sure he loves all wogs, in his way.

But, jeez, what a stupid thing to think.”

This is a typical Liberal reaction. Notice how they always lump in Christianity with terrorists performing acts of terror and other historical bloody events with their, “if not for religion” argument, all this misery could have been avoided.

Yes, Ann Coulter was right, they (The Liberal Left) are indeed Godless!

Religion has nothing to do with this situation.

Tiger Woods is a man in desperate need as demonstrated by his reckless behavior. His story is common albeit more magnified by his world wide celebrity.

His marriage is fallen apart and his family unit is destroyed. However, many Christians have experienced the same thing. Our stories may be different, but no less painful for us all.

It is at these times, when we hit rock bottom, when we find out that Jesus Christ is the rock at the bottom!

Now, I don’t if Tiger Woods has hit bottom yet. And most likely Brit Hume doesn’t know either. But, just in case Tiger is near that bottom rung, Brit did the right thing, and he did it very well.

From The Last Tradition

See The Washington Post

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