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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Earth to Santa Barbara...

Earth Day?? Earth Day??? I'll show you Earth Day!!

nothing annoys me more than EARTH DAY....not Republicans, not non-profits not even Wendy or Dr. Laura...EARTH DAY takes the cake..whoops, can we eat cake on Earth Day?? or will a dolphin die? it started out as a good idea but too many crazies have entered the fray..
we got people running around celebrating Native Plant week..they are encouraging everyone to plant native species....even SB Mayor Helene Schneider jumped on the bandwagon..I'm very disappointed in you Mayor....weeds/non natives or whatever you want to call them (I call them plants) play a vital role in the balance of nature...

I've said this before and I'll keep saying it until I am taking my last rapid & shallow breaths..LEAVE.... THE GODDAMM.. FENNEL... ALONE!! now, there's gonna be celebrations all over, people are encouraged to bike, walk and not use sustainable...sustainable..that's a word I don't want you to use anymore or there will be severe repercussions...and Daryl Hannah is getting an Environmental Award?? Daryl Hannah?? how much unsustainable plastic does this chick have in her face??? have you seen her face?? give her an Emmy and shut her up!! geez...

today, Earth Day is an excuse to waste tax money trying to restore everthing o it's native state..tell that to the wind which just blew a bunch of bull thistle seeds FROM GOD KNOWS WHERE... we got a full on thistle forest happening!!

I love it...a bunch of yuppiemuppiehippewuppies outsmarted by the wind!!

I invented green..I was green before these other bozos hopped on board..but you see, being green is recognizing the Gestalt of nature....and accepting the whole as a wonderful gift from the universe..see? that's green..go outside and love a spiky weed as bees and birds do..can you do that?? if you can, then you can call yourself green, otherwise you're just a punk like the the minions poisoning and killing species that don't follow their rules....yeah, I like that..being green..I mean really green, is being rebellious.... There are laws in the village against weeds. The law says a weed is wrong and shall be killed. The weeds say life is a white and lovely thing And the weeds come on and on in irrepressible regiments...

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