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Friday, April 2, 2010

Obama Slams Beck & Limbaugh for Bringing the Inconvenient Truth About His Administration

Maybe these two should get a room.

Brietbart TV

Beitbart TV">Vitriol: speech, writing, etc., displaying rancour, vituperation, or bitterness, bitterly abusive feeling or expression

At the risk of being vitriolic, I was surprised Harry Smith of the CBS Morning Show didn’t lean over and rub President Obama’s balls. He might as well done that because it would have been the only honesty being displayed on televisions across the country.

The purpose of this interview on CBS was the main stream media fulfilling its role as the administration’s stenography service.

Sadly, millions of Americans are still hoodwinked into thinking the CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and especially MSNBC are news organizations objectively reporting the news for the benefit of the American people.

Those days are dead!

The reason President Obama with the help of Harry Smith practically wanting to finish Obmama’s sentence for him if you notice in the video, mentions Rush Limbaugh and Glen Bleck for engaging in vitriol, is because those two men and others in talk radio, Fox News and the blogosphere are doing the work the main stream media USED TO DO!

They reported what was in the health care reform bill that is now the law of the land because they read it and told people what it said. They dug into the dirty details page by page and reported the facts on their respective shows. As a result, their ratings increased because the public was hungry for the truth and the ratings for the main stream media dropped.

That’s why poll after poll showed that the American people did not want health care reform passed. But, Obama and the Democrats passed it anyway with tricks, bribes and outright deception with the tremendous help of the main stream media.

So now the Democrats know they’re in deep trouble in November.

Limbaugh and Beck brought the inconvenient truth to the American public.

But, the president calls that vitriol and Harry Smith obediently nods his head yes like a good little lapdog.

Via Beitbart TV

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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