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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Allen West-Obama and Pelosi, “Welcome to the Jungle” (VIDEO)

Javier Manjarres’s blog The Shark Tank has the skinny on Allen West, a strong Black Conservative running for congress in Florida.

As you may know, but it’s worth repeating, Liberals HATE Black conservatives because they totally blows their template they set up for Blacks. You know, stuff like dependency on government/Democratic Party.

Javier writes:

At the Vets for West picnic today in Delray Beach,Florida, Congressional Candidate Allen West, in true form called out the Democrat Party and it’s spineless minions that include, none other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Allen has already sent Madam Speaker a message-Allen West to Pelosi- “Give Me that Damn avel!”) and ‘the Messiah’ himself, President Barack H. Obama.

The Congressional Black Caucus and Congressman- impeached Federal Judge Alcee Hastings have announced that they will be campaigning against West on behalf of Congressman Ron Klein.

More details at The Shark Tank

West can easily handle the house slaves that are being dispatched by the Jackass Party with no sweat.


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