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Thursday, December 23, 2010

True Grit...

One day you will rise and you won't believe your eyes
You'll wake up and see,
A world that is fine and free
Though summer seems far away
You will find the sun one day

ok, so I'm scooting around the condo in my cowboy hat with the radio blasting, vacuuming and cleaning like a good little housewife when the phone rings..rrrinnnnggg...I pick up and the voice on the other end was Sheriff Bill Brown! He called me back ladies, tee hee hee!
so I say thanks Mr. Brown for calling back, did you understand my message about Lanny Ebenstein and his pot house issues in Eureka? He says yes and goes on to recap for me..Lanny was sued by 14 neighbors for allowing a grow house to operate..the neighbors won a six figure settlement but Lanny is appealing it...Sheriff Brown was surprised about the settlement but if I remember correctly, the facts are indisputable....he was sued and ordered to was a civil trial...
Next, I asked Sheriff Brown if he used Lanny as a consultant and he said yeah, for Measure B and the jail tax issue..he said he wanted a conservative voice for balance and since Lanny used to be president of the SB County Taxpayer Association, he thought it was a good fit...I cautioned the Sheriff about the shady they are and he went, uh huh...I said: Well that's my opinion, anyway...then Mr. Brown said Lanny writes editorials for the News-Press..I said, they've dropped off in the last month and he said no... he thinks the News-Press hired Lanny! This confirms my suspicions that the mystery OUR OPINION editorial writer is Lanny on Wendy's payroll, but not on the masthead! sneaky..he's hiding behind Wendy's dress!!!
I offered Mr. Brown a way to build the jail: get the Chumash to fund it..he chuckled, I chuckled....
I asked Sheriff Brown if he planned to use Lanny Ebenstein for any further consulting and he said: it's safe to say, no I won't.. I won't be using Lanny again...
good! the Sheriff was cordial throughout our little talk and wished me a Merry Christmas and holiday, and I him...a guy with True Grit...
now, let's see how long phantom editorial writer/doper Lanny Ebenstein lasts at the News-Press..longer than liar Travis? longer than cheater Dr. Laura? well, I got your number pal, wherever you're hiding...

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