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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Episode 16 Overview & Comments

11:00pm - 12:00am

Episode Quote:

“I always knew eventually we’d agree on something.”

-Jack Bauer (to Larry Moss)

The CDC arrives to test Jack and find out what he may have been contaminated with. He is not yet showing any symptoms. Jack tells them what little he can about the bioweapon. It will take 15 minutes to find out whether he's infected. In the meantime, he asks to be taken to the FBI.

Comment: During this scene we see Jack go through de-con procedures. I bet there were a lot of ladies who enjoyed this scene (including myself – **drool**) and wore out their DVR’s rewinding. I felt bad for Jack though; you could see the embarrassment on his face when he had to take off the boxers. You 24 junkies out there may recognize Dr. Sunny Maser from Season 3. She worked with Health Services and with CTU and Tony. It was cool to see a character from a previous season brought back like that.

The deadly canisters arrive at Starkwood -- as does the captured Tony Almeida. Hodges demands that the bioweapon be ready to deploy ASAP because two hours is too long. Tony is roughed up, and Hodges promises that he will get out of this alive if he talks. Tony keeps mum. Greg Seaton interrupts; he thinks the plan should be called off now that the government knows because it was supposed to be covert. Hodges angrily tells him to keep his doubts to himself.

Comment: I like when Hodges talks to Tony in this situation. Good scene. I’m glad Tony didn’t give in. Looks like Seaton may be getting ready to betray Hodges.

At the White House, Olivia recommends a man named Rick Berman from the private sector to replace Ethan Kanin as Chief of Staff. President Taylor says that she wants Olivia to be the provisional Chief of Staff during the search. Olivia is reluctant, but accepts. Larry Moss calls the President to tell her that Jack is innocent, and that Starkwood was involved with today's terrorist attacks. They are preparing to strike right now, so Larry asks for permission to move on Starkwood immediately. The President calls for the Joint Chiefs to be assembled.

Comment: Ok, Olivia is now starting to become annoying. I can’t believe Mama President doesn’t see what she’s doing here, but I guess she really wants to believe her daughter has changed.

Larry releases Renee from holding because he wants her to be the one to debrief Jack. He apologizes for not trusting her, and she apologizes for not trusting him as well. Meanwhile, Olivia meets with Aaron Pierce and asks him to be the agent in charge of her security detail although she will arrange for his reinstatement, he's reluctant. Before he can give a final answer, she's called into the meeting with the Joint Chiefs. The bioweapon has been identified as an agent that attacks the brain and nervous system and kills within a day or two. There is no cure. Unfortunately, there are no good and legal ways of moving on Starkwood with military force. It would take Congressional approval. The President insists on finding a way.

Comment: Great scene between Larry and Renee here. The acting in this scene was superb. It’s clear that Renee is developing feelings for Jack given her reaction to Jack being exposed to the bioweapon. It was good to see Aaron again. Aaron being in charge of Olivia’s security should be interesting.

Based on the meeting with the Joint Chiefs, it doesn’t sound good for Jack if he’s infected.

Tony continues to refuse to talk. Just as Stokes is about to shoot Tony, he is shot dead by Greg Seaton. Seaton thinks Hodges has lost his mind, and he frees Tony. The two sneak into Seaton's office, when Hodges calls. Seaton claims that Stokes is still trying to get Tony to talk. Hodges wants Seaton on deck, ASAP. As soon as Hodges is off the phone, they call Larry at the FBI. Seaton wants immunity in exchange for the location of the bioweapon canisters. Larry needs to run this by the President. While they are waiting, Larry updates Tony on Jack's condition.

In the CDC van en route to the FBI, the results of Jack's blood work come in. Jack reads the diagnosis, his face unreadable. He arrives at the FBI, where Renee is surprised to find that he's not in quarantine. Jack is indeed infected, but he's not contagious.

Comment: Ok, so Jack’s infected. I was shocked because I didn’t think he was infected based on the fact that Dr. Maser handed him the results herself to him earlier without a biosuit and that he wasn’t in quarantine. I don’t think Jack will die because Kiefer’s on for Season 8, but I don’t like this at all. I don’t know how he’ll get out of this one. Oooh…another shirtless Jack moment when he was changing clothes. (***more drooling***) Why couldn’t they have Jack go the rest of the season in those jeans a no shirt? I could go for that!

Ok, back to the story: The scene where Renee walks in on Jack has he was changing was interesting. I don’t think Renee knew what to say to Jack in that situation so she told him he did the right thing by saving the security guy at the port thinking that would make him feel better. I think when she left the room so abruptly, it surprised Jack and I think he wished she would have stayed. I felt so bad for Jack all alone in that room given what he just found out. ***hugs Jack***

President Taylor and Olivia watch horrific footage recovered from Sangala of the bioweapon being tested on innocent people. The President is more resolved than ever to bring down Starkwood. Tim Woods, head of Homeland Security, along with Admiral Smith, bring the President into a secure internet conference with the FBI and Tony. Woods and Smith, upon hearing Seaton's story, concur that they may not get another chance. The President gives Larry authorization to move on Starkwood, and digitally signs Seaton's pardon. Seaton gives the location of the warehouse where the canisters are stored. It will take the FBI ten minutes to reach Starkwood. Renee asks Seaton to get Tony into the warehouse. Jack begs Larry to join them, but Larry can't risk Jack coming down with symptoms while he's in the field. Jack realizes that Larry is right.

Comment: Jack just broke my heart here. It killed him to not be able to go with the FBI to raid Starkwood. I think Jack was more upset about that than being infected. It was good to see Larry have some real empathy for Jack - finally. It’s ashame it took him being infected with a bioweapon. Once again, Kiefer’s fantastic acting abilities were on display here when Larry told him he couldn’t go out in the field. It showed all over his face his emotions and what the character was thinking. Perfect.

Seaton takes Tony to the warehouse and recons via phone with Larry. Inside, Hodges and teams of security and scientists are working on the weapon. They're an hour away from being armed. Larry contacts Starkwood's air tower with an executive order to search that warehouse. Any interference will result in arrest. The air traffic controller lets them in.

Hodges, looking anxious, hears the helicopters approach. Larry has the doors blown open. The FBI team enters to find an empty warehouse. Larry demands to know where the weapons are, and Seaton claims he doesn't know. He says that Tony had threatened to kill him and he only told Tony what he wanted to hear. Larry isn't buying it, but there's nothing to be done but place Seaton under arrest. Hodges observes this scene via a security monitor. He and the weapons are in a completely different warehouse on the other side of the compound. Seaton's bought them some time. Now they just have the keep the FBI over there.

Comment: Well I’ll have to admit they fooled me – I didn’t suspect Seaton was pulling a fast one on Tony and the FBI. I really thought he turned on Hodges. That was a nice twist. I should have known the weapons couldn’t have been found that easy. I didn’t suspect Seaton was still working with Hodges because he acted nervous about what was Hodges was doing in previous episodes, so I guess that’s what convinced me.

Larry leads the FBI out of the empty warehouse, determined to keep searching Starkwood, but he's met by a heavily-armed team led by Stokes, who is still alive after all. He says they cooperated with the FBI's demand to search this particular warehouse and now asks them to leave. They are on private property. As the groups take aim at one another, Stokes says that Starkwood will defend themselves against a hostile government that is trying to shut them down and will be within their legal rights to do so. If the FBI tries to advance any farther, they will be fired upon. Larry doesn't answer. No one moves. No one blinks. It's a standoff.

Clock ticks to …. 12:00 AM

Comment: I did notice Stokes was not actually killed by Seaton. Now we have a standoff between Starkwood and the FBI. This is going to get interesting.

Final Comments:

I really liked this episode in many ways, but I hate to see what has happened to Jack. Finding out Jack was infected kind of overshadowed everything else in the episode for me. When an actor makes a character so genuine and so real, the viewer establishes a bond with the character so it’s hard to see Jack go though something like this. We’ve seen Jack beaten up, tortured and even die (then brought back), but we’ve never seen him like this: defeated.

I would imagine it’s going to be hard to watch this character the rest of this season, but hopefully there will be a way out of this for Jack, maybe there is actually an antidote we don’t know about yet. I don’t know, but Jack being infected with a bioweapon may be the biggest shocker yet on ‘24’.

Episode overview from:

Comments are mine (24FanForever)

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