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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

it's her paper...

black is black....

I started thinking about maybe getting a job..a part time job to pick up a little extra I went in to rich Santa Barbara to check things out..lots of folks out for a Tuesday..teenage girls speeding down Anacapa in brand new BMWs...real smart mom and dad..spoil the shit outta them so they end up like..helpless! Next I narrow my choices to the News-Press and City Hall...City Hall looks nice and well-kept;
the News-Press building was dirty and poorly maintained..hey, if they don't care, why should I..I'll apply with the News-Press and maybe get some easy money! Is Wendy so busy investigating everyone that she can't send someone to clean the place up? A little paint, a little elbow grease..oh well, it's her paper! So I go inside..eewww..creepy, like a morgue... and ask the smileless chubby-dressed-in-black-Goth-garb receptionist for an application..she hands me one....I look at it, smile to myself, and say thanks...the application is printed on one side of 4 sheets of paper! Who does that anymore??..a copy machine has a duplex function! USE IT and stop wasting paper..that's my advice, but I bit my tongue since I haven't been hired yet. but.... it's her paper!
I read over the application and there's a bunch of stuff at the beginning that is designed to make me feel like not like an employee, but a servant: nothing in this application means you'll be hired; then some legaleze that failed lawyer Travis probably wrote.."has any authority to enter into an agreement for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing" WTF does that mean?? Also, employment is "at will" so I can be fired at any time for any reason, so Wendy thinks: At Will= The right of employers to fire employees for any reason, or for no reason at all. It also gives employees the legal right to quit their jobs at any time for any reason. Despite this legal doctrine, employers may not fire employees in a way that discriminates, violates public policy or conflicts with written or implied promises they make concerning the length of employment or grounds for termination.'s her paper and I have the benefit of working at a Drug-free, Alcohol-free, Violence -free workplace as per the company's Policy and Procedures. Also, no retirement benefits because there's no future working at the News-Press....
ok..I understand the policy...what I don't understand is: why would anyone want to work at this dump??

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