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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

walkin' my cat named dog....

Cat o' nine tails....

did you see the front page of the Newz-Press..something is fishy here. It seems the Animal Rescue Team, a non-professional group in a Solvang neighborhood that "cares" for wild animals, is trying to cover something up. The NP story says: the 3 month old cubs were cornered and tranquilized by a volunteer at the center..then the story gets cloudy. The Animal Rescue Team doesn't know what happened to the cubs after the Fish and Game, who should have been called in the first place, were called to take custody of the cubs...the article seems to say the fate of the cubs is probably death, at the hands of the feds. The question that looms is why did these non-professionals at the Animal Rescue Team tranquilize 3 month old baby cubs?? That is a death sentence!!
the Animal Rescue Team was chosen by the News-Press for their Holiday Fund last year...
The Dept of Fish and Game wardens are programmed to kill mountain lions in residential's a public safety issue and a fact of life..the best thing to do is follow their advice on how to keep wild animals wild..people are causing the problems!!
OK.. Humane Society, there's my animal story.. now where's my fucking award???

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