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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Danke Schoen...

yaah...suuure vuud haff lyked to mit up wich yohoo blondie Danish voman agin..suuure
there are so many goddam illegal immigrants in this country it's sometimes hard to tell one from the other..that was the case when the News-Press tackled the story about Solvang's start of Danish Days where the writer informs us that "everything Dutch" will be celebrated...that's like saying Old Spanish Days will celebrate everything French! The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands.. Solvang means "sunny fields"... and celebrates Danish Days, not Dutch Days, in September...
I don't hang out in Solvang for many reasons: the Chumash Highway of Death, Pee Soup, Hansel and Gretel, windmills, and bent-over old ladies and Hollerback girls, but that doesn't mean I don't respect them folks..them Dutch folks..or are they there a difference? Well, if I was a paid writer for the News-Press, I might expend the effort to find out, especially for a front page story..and I don't want the editor to fire me..oh, wait, the News-Press doesn't have an editor! if they did I would know the difference between a Dutch girl and a Danish girl!! Which is why they blew it for me on Sunday!!! DANKE NEWS-PRESS!!!
so if you go to Solvang, you might want to understand it's all about Denmark, not Holland.... not Dutch, but Danish...Dutch is Holland and Danish is Denmark.... if you go to the celebration, you can't treat the two as interchangeable....
now, America could learn something from Denmark, with a mixed market capitalist economy and a large welfare state, ranks as having the world's highest level of income equality. Denmark has the best business climate in the world, according to the U.S. business magazine Forbes. From 2006 to 2008, surveys ranked Denmark as "the happiest place in the world", based on standards of health, welfare and education. The 2009 Global Peace Index survey ranks Denmark as the second most peaceful country in the world, after New Zealand. In 2009, Denmark was ranked as one of the least corrupt countries in the world according to the Corruption Perceptions Index, ranking second only to New Zealand.
I coulda been in the 'happiest place in the world", too!

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