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Friday, September 17, 2010

Far Left Looney Bogger Greg Sargent Smears Christine O’Donnell’s Christian Beliefs on Homosexuality and Pornography

The Leftists cannot defend the Obama agenda on it’s merits because an overwhelming majority of the American people are poised to make their voices heard through the ballot box in November.

So it’s time to crank of the smear machine against Conservatives to divert attenuation away from issues that really matter.

Greg Sargent who runs The Plum Line, one of the most Far Left blogs on the net, made his mud pie contribution by accusing Christine O’Donnell, the Republican candidate for the Senate from Delaware, of believing that homosexuality is a personality disorder.

It makes no difference to Sargent what O’Donnel’s position is on high taxes, Obama’s big spending ways or his failed stimulus package and 10 unemployment.

No, that would be to responsible.

Instead he tries to paint O’Donnell as an “extremists”. The Left loves to the E-word around but never explains how or why a person is extreme.

But Sargent goes further than that. He uses a 2006 profile of O’Donnell to make his accusation when he writes:

This passage from a 2006 profile of Christine O'Donnell in Delaware's Wilmington News Journal may not be conclusive, but it certainly cries out for further exploration:

She considers homosexuality an identity disorder and sees pornography and the lust it engenders as selfish gratification.

"Sex is a covenant between a man and a woman and God," she says. "Your job is to satisfy the other, the giving of oneself to another. Porn turns that around."

He also writes:

At a minimum, though, that is an extreme view, and its appearance next to her name in a reputable paper is grounds to ask whether she really believes this, particularly given the views she's already expressed on related topics.

How can Sargent accuse O’Donnell of believing that homosexuality is a personality disorder when she doesn’t even mention homosexuality in the quote he provides?

And what exactly is extreme in saying that sex is a covenant between a man and a woman and God?

Does Sargent really want to examine God’s role in O’Donnell’s life and what’s written in the Bible about homosexuality or sex or anything else?

I really don’t think so.

What Greg Sargent is simply doing, and quite clumsily at that, is throwing the proverbial spaghetti against the wall and seeing if any of it sticks.

He would go to any length to portray O’Donnell as being something that she’s not to protect his buddies in the Democrat Party that are running this country into the ground.

I wonder if Sarget posed these kinds of questions about Keith Ellison, the Muslim Democrat congressman from Minnesota. Islam has the same view of homosexuality as Christianity, namely that it’s an immoral life style. Has Sargent ever accused Ellison of being an extremist? In fact, in Islamic countries in the Middle East they chop off homosexual’s heads if they’re not in the mood to stone them to death instead.

But, according to Sargent, O’Donnell is the extremist.

Nice try Greg, but stick to writing about something more relevant like Michelle Obama’s arms.


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