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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teed Off...

Tea Baggers stage last stand with help from fat little News-Press stooge, Scott Steepleton..Jesus Christ!! Scott, you are one ugly motherfuck..uglier than me and Bobby McGee even! as a fellow caucasian, you embarrass me!!

on notice: students, minorites, blue collar workers, environmentalists and unions
with the elections a week away, the Tea Party needs a unifying sprint to the finish line...the teabaggers need to focus on the family and stop dabbling in diversions like witchcraft, militias, Timothy McVeigh socials, and the like...heed the words of tea-leaders like Sharron Angle when she tells young students: you look more Asian than Mexican...or Christine O'Donnell: I am living proof that mice brains were implanted into humans...or Joe Miller from Alaska: I enjoyed subsidies, why should you..hey you, my private militia will pay you a visit if you ask me one more question...
and the stakes are high this election, especially in California's 23rd District....seeking to send Lois Capps to a nursing home since she used to be a nurse, is Teabagger Tom Watson and all his teabagger friends..chief among these cronies is the News-Press and sodfarm buster Pat Nesbitt, the Summerland hotel billionaire who caters to the rich and now we know that the News-Press are officially teabaggers, with Scott Steepleton exposing the truth in a front page expose of threats to the 23rd District. If Teabagger Tom Watson is going to win according to News-Press stooge Scott Steepleton, he's got to get rid of the minorities in Oxnard, the unions in Ventura, the environmental fanatics in Santa Barbara and all those pesky college and university students..those are the groups that stand in the way of a Watson other words, we need to infuse the 23 District with more older white haired people who live off trust funds and suck up to rich divorcees!
and if you've seen Tom Watson (a younger skinnier version of Scott) debate you know what I mean when I say he's weird...weird little voice and shifty eyes and very impatient, like he's suffers from some PTSD....and of course you should read Nick Welsh at the Independent for exposing the lies Watson tells about Lois Capps...independent candidate John Hager asked Watson to explain and he lied again.....but more to he point, we need to find a way to stop these Mexicans (or are they Asians??), these pesky students and government workers from having a voice in the elections so Watson can have a fighting chance...
and the News-Press has come up with a solution that may we speak, Scott is in the News-Press basement, licking envelopes with 100 dollar bills in them, and sending them off to the aforementioned problem populations..this will ensure a Tom Watson victory in November and it will provide a little boost to the economy...and that's the kind of innovative thinking we need in Congress...that's why a vote for Tom Watson is a vote for Wendy and Nipper and their dumpy little stooge, Scott Steepleton...

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