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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit (Video)

From The Blaze

As President Barack Obama tours the country on the campaign trail with fellow Democrats, he’s made one metaphor a staple of his usual stump speech:

I want you to think about it this way. Imagine that these folks [Republicans] drove a car into the ditch. And it was a really deep ditch. And somehow they were able to walk away from the accident, but they did nothing to get the car out of the ditch. And so, me and Barbara [Boxer] and Jerry [Brown] and Antonio [Villaraigosa], we all put on our boots and we climbed down into the ditch.

And it’s hot down there. Flies are down there — (laughter) — and we’re sweating. But we’re pushing, we’re pushing to get the car out of the ditch. And even though Barbara Boxer is small, she is pushing, too. And we’re all pushing. (Applause.) And as we’re pushing, we look up and the Republicans are all standing there at the top of the ditch. They’re all looking down. And we say, why don’t you come down and help?

And they say, no, that’s all right. And then they kick some dirt down into the ditch. (Laughter.) They’re sipping on a Slurpee. They’re fanning themselves. You’re not pushing hard enough, they say. You’re not pushing the right way.

More details here

I need one of those for my meighbors!

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