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Saturday, December 4, 2010

executive decision....

News-Press to replace Sunday insert Weekend USA with Parade!! and another denoucement of David Pritchett!
I swear, the N-P front page on Friday was an odd one... apparently, out of all the lawsuits Wendy has filed against people in Santa Barbara, the one that she is proudest of is the alleged violation of the open meeting law by David Pritchett while he was on the Traffic Committee..and they are using that to try and make sure Pritchett isn't appointed to the City Council..naturally, Scott Sheepleton was on the story, pleasing his owners Wendy and Nipper... the reality is the Judge in the case was bought by Wendy and even Travis wrote that the only reason Wendy sued was because she feared Pritchett was trying to sabotage the News-Press and didn't like his antics during the N-P protests..."Wendy is miffed that local activist and Transportation Committee member David Pritchett was exercising his constitutional rights by protesting her in De La Guerra. The conspiracy theory states that Pritchett wants to redesign De La Guerra Plaza to facilitate more rallies and the City of SB is trying to "punish" the News-Press for editorials"....How goofy is that? they must really fear this guy Pritchett!!
it was another frivolous lawsuit..the kind Wendy loves....she also filed ten suits at the same time against the union and they were all thrown out by an unbiased judge!
next, Nipper informs us on the front page that Parade is coming to the Sunday paper:
PARADE I'm just thrilled with..I've read it in other papers over the years..I think our readers are really going to enjoy it... yeah, unless they too are reading other papers, right Nipper!! Geez, what a dumbass way to try to increase readership, which has fallen to very low levels...why not try to get some real reporters to cover real stories and not all the fluff you keep printing....
and one of the stories that PARADE had is about a purring monkey..a purring monkey...this is the stuff that is supposed to be an improvement in the paper? Nipper, are you insane?? you want more readers? here's what you do: include a Victoria's Secret catalogue every Sunday..that should increase your readership back to levels when Wendo didn't own the paper...

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