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Friday, January 21, 2011

Boycotting CPAC because GOProud (Gay conservarive group) Point taken now let’s come together for 2012 run

I have mixed feelings about certain prominent conservative groups boycotting CPAC due to their extending an invitation to GOProud, a group of Gay conservators.

On my blog, I have been very harsh and some may rightly say rude to homosexuals. However, my passion or venom is directed more towards Liberal homosexuals who push to change the definition of marriage.

I will continue to speak out against them for as long as they continue to push the issue.

But, along with having these battles, there exists a segment of the Gay community that is just as conservative as I am.

So this puts conservatives like me in an awkward position of having to reconcile how I deal with Gay conservatives.

So I’m a work in progress to the extent that I won’t shun them. They belong in the Conservative Movement simply because their conservatives.

However, my stance on Gay Marriage and my belief that the Gay life style is immoral will never change because of my faith beliefs.

So, if Gay conservatives can co-exist with someone like me, then I say welcome and lets make this work.

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