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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the snake pit...

starring Olivia de Havilland and Julia Di Sieno (#69)

so I'm reading EDHAT and I see a little thing by #69, Julia De Sieno, of the Animal Rescue know the ones who go out and rescue wild critters to death..unless you're a snake, then they just kill you!! well, apparently, #69 is darker than I originally thought...

By Julia DiSieno

A good friend of mine was out hiking today about 10 miles past Nira camp grounds, when she came across this VERY large rattlesnake that was about to strike. Sadly the snake was destroyed, and all 11 rattles were removed. Hikers with dogs need to be very aware during this unusual weather pattern which has drawn the snakes out.

so, her friends were out hiking in the wilds with their dogs (STUPID!!) when they encountered a rattlesnake..the facts get muddy but it appears the snake was killed and de-rattled by the hikers! the funny part is when Edhatters criticized Julia's friend for killing the snake, #69 tried to spin the story..."it was already dead" ..."someone else killed it"

well, no problems with killing for survival, but killing out of fear and ignorance is pathetic..rattlesnakes are very important in the eco-cycle..generally they will warn you by you just should move away and let them alone..don't harrass them because you're afraid they might bite your stupid dog!! DOMESTIC DOGS SHOULD BE OUTLAWED IN HIKING AREAS!! or get your dog a rattlesnake vacccine and booster if you go on hikes with it..

With many snakes, the first human reaction may be to kill them... and just because Fish and Game says it's ok to kill, it doesn't make it right.... But it is important to remember that all snakes play an important role in the ecosystem. Some may eat insects, others like the massasauga consider rodents a delicacy and help control their population. Snakes are also a part of a larger food web and can provide food to eagles, herons, and several mammals.

so Julia, you're a very bad girl and I'm very, very very very very very very very disappointed in and your friends can't go running around in the bush killing animals you don't like!! you need to be disciplined! how about a spanking... 11 spanks... one for each rattle you pulled may fool some Edhatters, but you don't fool me!

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