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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Liberal Crackup: The Real Reason Evan Bayh Flew the Coup

Evan Bayh is not leaving a Democrat controlled congress, it left him!

President Barack Obama, the media-created myth who is nothing more tham a re-packing of old fashioned Liberalism in Black skin, is finally being exposed for what he is. Evan Bayh, a moderate Dem saw the writing on the wall as other fellow Democrats are bowing out in droves.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

For the fourth time since the 1960s, American voters in 2008 gave Democrats overwhelming control of both Congress and the White House. Republicans haven't had such large majorities since the 1920s. Yet once again, Democratic leaders have tried to govern the country from the left, only to find that their policies have hit a wall of practical and popular resistance.
Democrats failed in the latter half of the 1960s, as the twin burdens of the Great Society and Vietnam ended the Kennedy boom and split their party. They failed again after Watergate, as Congress dragged Jimmy Carter to the left and liberals had no answer for stagflation. They failed a third time in the first two Bill Clinton years, as tax increases and HillaryCare led to the Gingrich Congress before Mr. Clinton salvaged his Presidency by tacking to the center.
Full article Click Here

It’s been quite awhile since America has seen a Far Left Liberal in office that was elected with the aide of a disgraced media that intentionally did not properly vet candidate Obama.

Ordinary Americans, like the Tea Partyers, are rectifying the situation.


Via The Wall Street Journal

Via Memeorandum

From The Last Tradition

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