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Monday, February 22, 2010

sounds of silence

why, Bill, that's very conservative of you!
so Noozhawk is getting a little antsy about allowing free speech on their website..According to the publisher, William McFadyen, folks are a little too opinonated and you know what they say about opinions..just read what's scrawled on the bathroom walls.
Now someone must've complained and I bet it was that Daniel Petry guy who rants about Obama alot..people busted him for being a green Hummer driving racist commissioned officer who lets the enlisted folks do all the dirty work and I guess he complained to McFadden: we must stop this free speech thing... of course I'm only speculating, but McFadden probably doesn't want to lose advertiser dollars so he needs to sanitize comments and censor folks who cherish free speech..that's too bad because I enjoy Noozhawk..and how can someone be "too opinionated"?? I don't mind controlling some of the abuses that take place like stealing someone's poster ID, but that's not what he's doing..he is requiring you to register and then he is moving comments to another page, away from the content or story you were reading!
a blog is all about free speech and that makes some folks squirm, esp conservatives who like to control what people see, hear and say..however, here at, I defend the right to free speech and will never in any way shape or form censor...of course, you can't say illegal things like you're gonna kill me or accuse me of a crime, but otherwise we're golden, right fuckheads??

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