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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Obama’s Stimulus Sham

Yesterday on the one year anniversary of signing his 800 billion dollar stimulus package, President Obama breathlessly proclaimed his timely action averted another Great Depression.

Come, come Mr. President!

Have you no shame, let alone decency?

Do you still believe the majority of the American people are like the mindless dolts who yelled, “YES WE CAN!”?

Any fool can spend money, and it doesn’t even take a Harvard degree to do it.

But, since the president insists on repeating a false narrative meant to deceive the ill-informed, which by the way makes up 99.9% of his base, lets look at a real example of how the stimulus money was spent and how wasteful it was.

According to the New York Post:

New York has gotten 43,000 jobs since President Obama signed the stimulus law one year ago at a price of more than $500,000 per job, federal and state records reveal.
Full story Click Here:

$500,000 per job?

Is this the president’s idea on how to efficiently spend taxpayers’ money?

On a prior post, Obama’s Economy For Idiots-He Gets an A+ for Wasteful Spending

I wrote:

Lets set aside for a moment that the “saved or created” statistics is pure hogwash like I’ve written about on my prior post.

If you look on the website without laughing your head off, you'll see a chart that says that 207.54 Billion dollars have been spent thus far into the economy.

If the 1 million jobs save or created stat is true, which we know its not, but lets say it is, that means each job cost taxpayers $207,000 per job.

Do you really think these jobs are paying more than it took to save or create them?

This reminds me of the Geico commercials, “So simple, even a Caveman can do it.”

Well, it doesn’t take any experience as a community organizer, or even experience teaching constitutional law. Anyone can spend money foolishly, even presidents.

Via The New York Post

From The Last Tradition

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