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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Do Democrats Steal Your Money? Start a NPO

For the last several weeks I’ve written about a matter the MSM doesn’t want to report. It’s a story not only relevant to New York, but also across the country like New Orleans, Louisiana where a couple of New York Democrats, one a member of the House of Representatives named Gregory Meeks, and the other a New York state senator named Malcolm Smith, are both being investigated by the Feds
for allegedly not sending money raised by a non-profit organization (NPO) they created called New Yorkers Organized to Assist Hurricane Families (NOAH-F) TO TO families in New Orleans affected by Hurricane Katrina.
See Story

What happened to the money is up to the Feds to determine. The bigger story is these two Democrats aren’t the only two shysters in the state, let alone the country.

For example in New York alone Larry Seabrook and , Maria Del Carmen are also under investigation for they use non profits, and Democrat City Councilman Miguel Martinez plead guilty to federal charges involving the misuse of taxpayer dollars through Council slush funds.
See Story

What’s needed here is the Justice Department to launch a country-wide probe into how Democrats are getting away with Grand Larceny by misusing taxpayer money through laundering funds through NPOs.

The NY Post reports:
Tracked down by The Post, Louis Rainey, the man chosen by Meeks to identify families that needed help, said the money that the Queens Democrat had promised never arrived.

"These people came down here, sold a good story and didn't deliver," said RainDemocratic Partyey, who was head of the Louisiana
Gregory Meeks

"We didn't get the funds. We never got a dime."
Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

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