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Friday, February 19, 2010

Ass Wednesday...

ashes to ashes...
well, I saw vice prez Biden with a thing on his forehead Wednesday and I thought he looked retarded.. or maybe he was a Hare Krisna now...then I found out it was Ass Wednesday, you put a picture of a hairy little ass on your forehead once a year...I don't know why they do that but I don't know alot of things so there you go...
Hotrod Lincoln....
so I got pulled over yesterday for speeding and reckless driving on the highway in Carp..WTF, that's how I drive! I told the cop my driving record is clean, we talked for awhile and he didn't give me a ticket..I appreciate the hard work these guys do trying to determine who's drunk on the road, so I didn't mind being stopped..but it's hard to go slow in a V8 Chevy truck, esp when I'm trying to merge in front of 3 semi trucks..BTW, my truck is made in America ..something you Toyota drivers should think feeling is there's too many Toyotas on the road and most look like little bars of soap with wheels! Sometimes it appears I may be driving recklessly when I'm just trying to dodge these little death BUY AMERICAN!!!
and...while I was underground I made a few bucks..I won't tell you how, but it was easy fast and legal..."no lawyers save money" type a thing...but I needed some cash so I could attend a party of sorts...a lady from Montecito named Mary Belle Snow is throwing another romp for conservatives with special guest David Horowitz..the David Horowitz Santa Barbara Retreat (for Retards!)...this little Jew thinks there's a Nazi and a commie under everyone's bed! but he's a great motivational speaker and, though he stands only about 5 ft, he tells some pretty tall tales about progressives and other enemies of the conservatives....
Last time the party was at the Biltmore, with frauds like Andy Granarollipolli attending. But this time it will be at the Bacara..last time it was free, this time I gotta pay $1300 for the weekend! $1300!! to hear all these jokers talk about Reagan, their idol! Reagan did this, Reagan did that. The Conservatives think they are on the move again because they talk about Reagan alot...dudes, the dude's dead!!! Dude..dude... I heard they had dude Jeff Bridges day in SB and one blog was upset that a caricature in the Indie didn't do Bridges' handsome face justice..well, a caricature is supposed to exaggerate features to the point of absurdity, like satire. It's not meant to flatter vanity...
geez, some dudes are Birdbrains

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