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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Andy McCarthy’s Ground Zero Thought Experiment Demonstrates a Clash of Liberal and Conservative World Views

Andy McCarthy does more than just write for The National Review.

He was a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He’s a doer and a patriot who led the 1995 terrorism prosecution against the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.

That makes Andy a real here in my book in the battlefield for the thoughts and minds of the American people.

Andy poses this scenario:

Imagine that there really were these fundamentalist Christian terror cells all over the United States, as the Department of Homeland Security imagines.

Let’s say a group of five of these terrorists hijacked a plane, flew it to Mecca, and plowed it into the Kaaba.

Now let’s say a group of well-meaning, well-funded Christians — Christians whose full-time job was missionary work — decided that the best way to promote healing would be to pressure the Saudi government to drop its prohibition against permitting non-Muslims into Mecca so that these well-meaning, well-funded Christian missionaries could build a $100 million dollar church and community center a stone’s throw from where the Kaaba used to be — you know, as a bridge-building gesture of interfaith understanding.

What do you suppose President Obama, Mayor Bloomberg, the New York Times, and other Ground Zero mosque proponents would say about the insensitive, provocative nature of the proposal?

Do you think the State Department would make the leader of the Christian missionaries a special emissary and send him to represent the United States on diplomatic business overseas?

What do you suppose the Saudi reaction would be?

What do you suppose those ecumenical GZ mosque proponents at Hamas would say?

What do you suppose Pope Benedict and other Christian leaders would say?

What do you suppose imam Feisal Rauf and his friends at CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America, the International Institute of Islamic Thought, and the various other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates would say?

How would building the church/community center in Mecca affect Saudi Arabia’s standing in imam Rauf’s
Sharia Index Project?

Here’s the typical Liberal reaction from the Mahablog: Making the World Safe for Liberalism

“What disturbs me about this analogy, however, is the unspoken assumption that Americans shouldn’t be expected to value religious liberty and tolerance toward Muslims if Saudis don’t value religious liberty and tolerance toward Christians (the Western default religion).

What the righties don’t get is that the Cordoba House/Park 51 controversy is not about Islam, but about America. What are our values? What are our principles? What does America stand for? And do we maintain those values and principles through thick and thin, or do we chuck them under the bus whenever something frightens us?”

When a Liberal talks about values its pretty much a joke because they hold none for themselves.

Their values are tied to what’s popular at the moment or being defenders of groups they deem need their protection i.e. blacks, gays, or any group they see as oppressed.

Muslims are the new blacks.

Their values are arbitrary and transient.

But, let’s get away from theory and discuss hard cold reality. There’s been a lot written about the Ground Zero Mosque controversy. You’ve heard that it’s a question of religious freedom and that’s an absolutely false claim meant to divert attention away from what’s really at the heart of the matter.

Cliff at Another Black Conservative said the following: “We’re of the generation that will have to make a difference. The Islamaphaction of Europe was a long time in coming. It was like watching a slow motion train wreck. The same tactics used over there will be employed here unless we all rise up. The battle over the GZM is a hopeful sign.”

Cliff nailed it!

America knows that Great Britain has had Sharia Courts since 1982 and look what has happened to that once great nation?

British government leaders chose the Liberal point of view and instead of insisting that British Muslims assimilate to British culture and laws, they accommodated them and gave them a separate court system and in essence created a bi-lateral Muslim state within Britain.

That’s the path they chose.

Estimates are by 2025 Great Britain will be a majority Muslim country because of Liberalism.

Do you think Liberals mind if the same thing happened here in the United States?

Gimmie a break!

They would welcome it because America had it coming, in their view.

Do we draw the line in the sand or not?


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