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Monday, August 23, 2010

Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs Bombshell Audio Exposing GZ Mosque Imam Extremism

I love and admire Pam Geller because she’s New York through and through. A tough lady with guts who looks damn good in a bikini and oh how Lib gals are so envious.

Geller has been on the front lines warning America about Islamization of the country for over 6 years when nobody was paying attention to the danger.

As you may have noticed, I have been going hot and heavy on the topic myself only because Pam Geller is showing me the way.

According to Geller the media frenzy to destroy good, decent Americans who oppose a 15-story mega-mosque on Ground Zero is rabid. Even for them.

Despite red flags everywhere and the nationwide grief caused by this grotesque act of Islamic supremacism, why isn't the media doing its job, investigative journalism?

Instead, the morally ill media is in full-on operational smear machine mode in the raging war of ideas, the information battle space, the objective of which is to erect the Ground Zero mega mosque.

Tolerance is a crime when applied to evil (Thomas Mann).
Whilst the NY Times front page spins interfaith yarns into PR gold faster than Rumpelstiltskin and accords godlike status to Imam Feisal Rauf, new audio surfaces.

Here are a couple of soundbites of tolerance:

I’m sure more audio will follow.

What really punches America in the gut is your tax dollars are paying for Imam Rauf’s trip abroad to raise money for the GZ Mosque.

Is this the hope and change you voted for?

For more explosive details visit Atlas Shrugs


Left Coast Rebel

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