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Friday, August 27, 2010

The Progressive Agenda is Dying in America Thanks Barack Obama

Liberals are in a state of shock walking like zombies because they actually believed that America had gone socialist with the election of Barack Obama.

I didn’t believe it for a second despite the mainstream media pushing Obama-mania with all its atmospherics and soaring rhetoric.

I tried to warn friends and family that there was no “there” there.

All they were seeing was a very carefully crafted blank slate. It was brilliantly designed so that anyone could project what they though Barack Obama represented.

Facts were pushed aside and the only that was important were emotions.

How Obama made people feel was more important than his lack of executive experience, it was more important than his Marxist belief system, it was more important than his association with unrepentant terrorists, it was more important than his 20 year relationship with a pester who teaches biblical hearsay that is deeply rooted in Marxism, it was more important than his closest friend who is now serving time in prison and who was Barack Obama’s chief money man, it was more than Barack Obama championing Infanticide, and it was more important than Barack Obama’s continued insistence even to this day not to release his college transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard.

There were as many red flags as rain droplets that caused Noah to build a boat.

But, thanks to the mainstream media, those red flags were left to ripple in the wind and the snake oil continued to flow.

But, every great love affair has a common enemy-time.

Gitmo is still open.

War still raging in Afghanistan and Iraq.

More terrorists attacks on American soil than under George Bush.

Obama refuses to attend National Day of Prayer. This is a huge Christian event and people have drawn their own conclusions.

Obama continually apologizes for his country and bows to foreign leaders.

Obama shepherded Obamacare through congress despite overwhelming disapproval by the American people.

Obama takes over the car industry, the mortgage industry and college loans industry.

Obama does nothing to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon even though he said it would be a game changer if they got one.

With time comes the warts.

Speechifying has never been a substitute for governing and the president has been exposed for what he always was-a fake poser who looks the part but lacks the real goods.


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