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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

crimes and misdemeanors

I fought the law and the law won....

there seems to be a pattern of criminal behavior among those associated with the News-Press...Wendy for the labor law violations, Travis and pal Joey for the DUIs, Lanny Ebenstein for the pot houses in Eureka, Scott S for lying to a judge..obviously these people have some mommy issues...and now.....

ok so on a tip from an alert reader, I learn that someone named Peter A Lance is having a criminal trial in Santa Barbara's Superior Court.... I checked it out on the court calender which I can't reproduce here because they will arrest me! holy shit look at all those people in trouble!! is tax money going to these cases??? whatever happened to personal responsibility??

the name rang a bell because a guy named Peter Lance, a sometime Emmy Award winning investigative journalist for the News-Presss, wrote some propaganda about a nonprofit called the Unity Shoppe.....and the News-Press and the Unity Shoppe are thick as thieves....

I've include a few pics of Emmy for your consideration....Emmy Rossum and the statuette

ok.... so if this is the same Peter Lance who emailed me awhile back asking to discuss a police report that I had copied from EdHAT onto my blog.. (hey EDHAT..if I'm goin' down you're going down with me!!) then we got a story.... the email was related to a drunk driving incident and accident that occured on Garden St, allegedly where Lance lives...I couldn't tell if Lance was involved or not, so don't go start spreading rumors!!

and normally I could care less about Peter..but he did take a sucky job with the News-Press so he's a marked man...

anyway, this Lance guy is on the criminal court calender to appear for an R&S Settlement Conference and a jury trial at a later date..Santa Barbara Hospitality LLC has an R&S Settlement date, too..and a bunch of other Santa Barbarans do too!! I don't know what R&S Settlement Conference means but I do know what a jury trial are suspected of being a criminal!! what did you do Peter???

you'll recall Nipper told me that Lanny Ebenstein's predicament in Eureka was not newsworthy because it was a civil case..let's see if Peter Lance criminal case shows up in the News-Press, if it's the same Peter Lance who reported for them and who's friends with Don Katich..or has there been a cover up??

well I suppose it's all supposition at this point....but there are some clues and we may be able to assume it is the same guy...but remember, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME

and if you think I'm gonna get up at 7:00 AM, shower, dress up and get to the trial by 8:30 AM, you are crrraazzzy!!! wait a minute, the trial starts at 1:30 PM 6/13/11..plenty of time for me to get there....the judge will be Hannah Beth's husband....

06/13/2011 - 1:30 pm 1366485 Peter A Lance... Trial: Jury Trial.... George C Eskin SB12

geez, sometimes I feel like I'm in a giant mystery carnival fun house tunnel that never ends.... I'll have a full report on the trial!

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