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Monday, February 8, 2010

baby you can't drive my car...

Moscow girls make me sing and shout...
Fresno folks loved Reagan, but they also love liquor and the dubious distinction of being the drunkest city on the USA! the most DUIs!! but let's look at history when sober please...and for the last time, Reagan didn't end communism in the USSR, the Beatles did!!
exhume Reagan?
should we? go over to the grave and dig up the Gipper and brush him off and set him for a 2012 presential run..whatdaya think.. Well, I think conserbatives are so desperate to find a leader they would gladly put Reagan back in power..apparently, to hear them sob and talk during Ron's 99th B-Day bash, they think he's got super powers..I don't know..I voted for him once and he seemed ok as president, until he started courting idiot evangelicals and acting erratically... Reagan conducted a campaign that called for the revitalization of America's traditional values, namely, "family, work, neighborhood, freedom, peace," and made use of his characteristic supply of one-liners and questionable data. In fact, all Reagan had to do to get elected was sit back quietly and let Jimmy Carter's record speak for itself. However, the former after-dinner speaker couldn't leave well enough alone, and before long newsmen were catching him in one lie or distortion after another. Speaking to a crowd of evangelists, Reagan announced the discovery of "new evidence" disputing the Darwinian theory of evolution and supporting the fundamental biblical view of creation. When challenged, he was unable to produce this new evidence. While visiting Pittsburgh, he declared that smog had been cleared up in California and that government control of industrial air pollution had gone too far. At that very moment Reagan's hometown of Los Angeles was suffering its worst smog attack in several years.
then we have the Iran/Contra fiasco:
I got shot in the arm by some jumpy gendarme, mistaken for a terrorist.....Beirut, crumbling stone by stone...
Several members of the National Security Council (NSC) working under U.S. President Ronald Reagan orchestrated a series of covert arms dealings with Iran, selling them weapons in exchange for negotiating the release of American hostages held in Beirut - a trade which was never truly realized on the Iranian government's behalf. The selling of arms to an enemy country was the first offense, but illegalities ran rampant when profits from the arms deals were eventually diverted to aid the Nicaraguan Contras, a band of guerillas fighting off Nicaragua's left-wing Sandinista regime. Aiding the Contras had been expressly prohibited by the U.S. Congress, but later testimony suggests that both President Reagan and Vice-President George Bush knew about the agreements between the NSC and the Contras, as well as the arms sales to Iran. When the story finally came out, first in Lebanese newspapers and later in full force in the United States, NSC members Oliver North and John Poindexter, among others, were tried before Congress. Those who were found guilty were eventually pardoned, or had their convictions overturned on appeal. While physical evidence was never found to prove the involvement of Reagan and Bush, they almost certainly played a part in the scandal now known as the Iran-Contra Affair.
Then we have Reagan and the homeless
Here in California, during Ronald Reagan’s tenure as governor, the number of mentally ill people in the state hospital system dropped from 26,500 in 1967 to 6,400 in 1974. While many thought that deinstitutionalization represented progress, the truth is that former patients were residing in our parks, on streets and sidewalks, or in doorways of various establishments in numbers that now reach into the thousands.
Any study of the move to deinstitutionalize must include the thousands that are no longer in our institutions, but make up the core group of the homeless individuals. I hope that all such studies will credit Reagan for being so vigorous in emptying state hospitals in a system that had been ranked either first or second from 1960 until Reagan became governor.
well.. there you go again....

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