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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Barack Obama May Be to Blame for David Patterson’s Troubles

David Patterson, governor of the state of New York is having a pretty rough week.

Late Sunday night, The Business Insider Blog posted a report that the New York Times was going to publish a bombshell report the following Monday with details of wild extra-marital affairs including wild sex-capes that would give Tiger Woods a run for his money.

Also included in the report was an assurance that Patterson would shortly be forced to resign his office.

Monday cane and went, and nothing was published in the Times.

Gov Patterson's understandable response has been a continued assault throughout the week on the media bemoaning what he called a "racialized" and "hypersexualized" portrayal of himself amid a weeks-long cyclone of speculation.

The governor also continued to complain about his treatment by the Times, which he believes has no intention of publishing salacious details about his personal life.

"I felt they had an obligation, not only out of human decency, but journalist ethics, to let me know whatever this bombshell was so I could answer it on the record," Paterson said.

So let me engage in some speculation. Everybody else seems to be doing so, so why not.

David Patterson is about to launch his re-election campaign on February 23. So, now would be a good time for foes to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

So who would they be?

Back in September I posted the following story

Pardon Me brother While I Stab you in the Back
President Barack Obama, the first African American elected to the highest political office in the land, effectively told New York Governor David Patterson, get lost, I’ll go with the White guy, Andrew Cuomo instead.

Not one shot was fired, or was blood left on the floor. Yet the betrayal was just as viscous and painful for Patterson who must feel like the loneliest Democrat in the world.

Now, I don’t have a smoking gun but many New Yorkers felt that Barack Obama should not have poked his nose into New York state politics to push aside a sitting governor.

But the president is getting more and more desperate as his presidency crumbles. And desperate times calls for desperate measures when you’re trying to hold back the Conservative wave.

David Patterson may be collateral damage.

If President Obama can blame George Bush for all his troubles, I think I can blame him for all the grief that David Patterson is going through now.

Is it fair?

Politics ain’t bean bag!

Via New York Post

Via Business Insider

From The Last tradition

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