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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the color purple

can I get a witness....
The News-Press carries Michelle Malkin's column, the little Jap chick who thinks she's a caucasian, (she's half right!) a conservative American of all things..I think she tries so hard to prove she's red white and blue that she makes my private eye turn purple with delight at times..she's so nutty she's sexy...but this ain't about sex, this is about the color purple. I can't count the number of times Michele has repeated her fear of SEIU and the members who wear purple shirts..she and Glenn Beck are absolutely frightened of these people..the shirts are sold to union members like baseball caps, to show you're on the same team..they don't force members to wear the stuff...but Michelle and Glen call SEIU the "purple people" and cite an incident where tempers flared at a rally and an SEIU guy supposedly punched out a non-purple now the SEIU is a radical organization according to them..well, I say let's get radical..strike some fear into these anti working class knuckleheads!
Next we got Lanny Ebenstein blaming GM's bankruptcy on pensions and wants to form a blue ribbon panel to reform county pensions..he and pal Joe Armendariz want this to happen and I say ok but make it a purple ribbon panel instead, clowns. First off, WTF was Brooks, Joni and Centeno doing for the last 4 years? Promoting incompetence (Mike Brown) instead of reforming the way the county operates...and Lanny, the workers didn't bankrupt GM, the AZTEK did! Management and engineers thought this POS was a good thing!! USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD DUDE!!
and lastly, we got Nipper putting an end to comments criticizing him and Wendy, saying he can't say anything about it on his blog because Jerry Roberts might sue him! then Bulldog suggests Nipper join the others for wine and, an intervention!! COOOOL!!
here's the gist of it..Nipper is in denial and addicted to the money and power that Wendy brings him...he can't see the damage his habit is doing to the folks around's gone on too long and there are a few who feed his junkie-type ego like drug pushers, and Nipper needs the lies more and more..and can't handle the truth...Bulldog finally suggests a meeting with the other regulars at Nippers (Nipperites) who see what the News-Press has become..and what has become of Nipper....he's a shopaholic! they will try to get him to stay at the Casa Dorinda in Montecito for a month to dry out..the Casa fronts as a retirement home for rick folks, but it's really a treatment center for moneyhounds..Winona Ryder spent time there..and did you know that Michael Douglas is a recovering shopaholic? it's true!
says Broth
Bulldog,The one person who could most benefit form this thread is strangely silent, if not ignorant of it.
says ccuisine
cough cough. cough cough. silent, but surely reading.
When will Wendy give her account publicly- or will she? Was there editorial this year from her, a fresh picture this New Year?
says Nipper Administrator
I find your comments on this very interesting and wish I could discuss it here in more detail. Unfortunately the last time I wrote on this subject in this forum, the paper's former editor, Jerry Roberts, sued. Remember the hamburger story? It is curious that Mr. Roberts presents himself as a "champion of free speech" but when this forum had a parody posting that he assumed was about him (it wasn't) he sued. Needless to say we don't need any more lawsuits.
says Bulldog
I completely understand. I invite you to join FS, CC, Broth, Greg, and perhaps some other interested parties to my house for wine and chat. Maybe a few snax. Off the record and very, hush, hush.
we're headed for a showdown....

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