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Thursday, February 11, 2010

the dumbest guys in the room...

california I love you... those that don't belong in a zoo
who's dumb? Jeff Skilling, Andy Fastow, Ken Lay, Arnold Schwarzenneger, Bush, Darryl Issa...and you if you if you helped elect this idiot as governor!
when I was working a in a big power plant in the late 1990s-2000, the California energy crisis hit..we had to shut down power consuming units everyday, use emergency generators and mess with the normal operations for a few was challenging to say the least. So when I heard that Enron played a major role in making my life more difficult, I have no place in my heart for ANY of the players in that fiasco...esp Arnold, the big dumb steroid abusing knucklehead who has a date with my fist if I ever see him.....
here's some of what went down....
In California, the state’s former governor Gray Davis praised the jury for convicting Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. Davis said "Given the way Enron ripped off California, I think the jury did an excellent job. I take some solace in the fact that Ken Lay and Skilling will spend some time in prison." Six years ago, California was plunged into an unprecedented energy crisis. Rolling blackouts shut down parts of the state. Power bills soared. It turned out that at the center of the crisis was Enron—although the company’s role wasn’t fully understood at the time.
Two years ago lawyers involved in a lawsuit in Washington state obtained audiotapes that proved Enron asked power companies to take plants offline at the height of the California energy crisis–in order to make more money. In one taped phone call an Enron employee celebrated the fact that a massive forest fire had shut down a transmission line carrying energy into California causing the price of energy to rise.
AMY GOODMAN: Enron employees also discussed the possibility of Ken Lay becoming Secretary of Energy if George W. Bush won the 2000 election.
ENRON EMPLOYEE 1: Tell you what, you heard this here first. When Bush wins, that f-—ing Bill Richardson, he’s gone, that f-—ing Clinton, all these f-—ing socialists are gone.
ENRON EMPLOYEE 1: You know who the biggest single contributor to the Bush campaign is?
GREG PALAST: Yeah, in a chapter called "When Arnold Got Layed." Sorry, the pun is one of my worst, but you have to understand, this call to shut down power plants and basically flick the light switches to pretend that there was a blackout, that we’re heading towards blackout, drives up the price of power in California by ten thousand percent in an hour. But this was not just Enron. One thing we got to get clear here, we’re talking about an entire mob, not two guys, not even one company.
The same calls were made by Duke Power to San Diego Gas and Electric. We had a whole gang, Reliant, Dynergy, El Paso, Duke, Entergy. These guys were all working in coordination—Public Service of New Mexico—and they were playing games with the power market. They were running it like a fixed casino. And yet only one company went down and only two guys, and they weren’t even allowed to bring up the California power markets in the trial, so that basically, the Bush Justice Department did its very, very best to keep the real crimes and the whole mob out of the courtroom, because it would have brought it right back, of course, to the Bush administration itself.
AMY GOODMAN: And what does Governor Schwarzenegger have to do with this?
GREG PALAST: Ah, well, the worst thing—these guys fear one thing more than jail, and that’s giving back the money. The State of California under Gray Davis—you just had him on saying, you know, ‘God bless this jury.’ Gray Davis had demanded that after Enron got and their buddies got caught nicking the state for $9 billion-plus, he did the obvious thing, he demanded that the money be returned.
So Lay panicked. He did two things: He went to meet with Dick Cheney in Washington, but he also held a meeting with Mike Milken, who had just gotten out of jail for his multi-billion-dollar stock fraud. Milken and Lay invited Arnold Schwarzenegger to a private meeting at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, and, you know, Schwarzenegger used to do these private hotel things where he’d go down to his Speedos, but now this is in 2001, and they suggested that they needed—if only they could get the State of California to agree to basically a sweetheart fake settlement, where the people would get back, instead of $9 billion, would basically get, you know, donuts instead of dollars, next to nothing.
Right after that, the recall drive starts against Gray Davis, who is demanding that the money be returned. Schwarzenegger becomes—the Terminator becomes the Governator, and literally within days, the Lay plan from the Peninsula Hotel goes right into effect, and Schwarzenegger just starts signing off with every one of these power companies to give dimes on the dollar, so that the public in California just never got its money back, just got virtually nothing.
smoking a big cigar, driving around in a Hummer and screwing the working class or not voting like Meg...well, expect a much better result in the next gov election...

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