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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a few bad men...

News-Press, nonprofit Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association Slam Military!
geez, talk about a one trick pony...every time Lanny Ebenstein, president of a shady nonprofit taxpayers association, writes a News-Press editorial, he must think he's writing another chapter about his nutjob hero Milton Friedman's economic ramblings, or trying to exhume Reaganomics, or just do what he does best: continue to ignore reality, to repeat rightwing slogans, to pander to fear, and stand up for wealthy special interests, hence his little gig with the News-Press! "And let's be clear, the Bush tax cuts didn't just produce fewer jobs than advertised. They didn't produce any private sector jobs at all. The whole experiment in handing over money to the wealthiest people in America so they could use it to benefit the rest of us was a colossal - empirically verifiable - failure." Robert Creamer
Now, the latest editorial slams government people for having pensions..again..this is a favorite News-Press theme.
Imagine working 25 or 30 years in a gov't job and when you retire someone says...nope, you can't retire because you saved too much money, invested wisely, and had a career serving your country..well, that's exactly what the News-Press and Lanny have been advocating for years and begrudging our military people their work benefits.. and Travis and Lanny must have shared editorial duties, I'm convinced, due to the similarities in content...They go on to claim that these gov't workers have created a new class of citizen....then Lanny, in rambling form, tries to explain this with some Marxist reference to communism! Is he saying our military personnel are commies?? Whoa stepped in it this time jackass! says Lanny: pensions are out of control and are costing the taxpayer too much, just what David Stockman, a Reagan appointee, said in's the same old conservative song! March 19, 1985 MILITARY PENSIONS HOW SCANDALOUS ...In a moment of well-publicized exasperation, Budget Director David Stockman declared that military pensions are scandalous. The remark triggered a barrage of attacks on Stockman by some of the biggest guns in the U.S. military, active and retired. Stockman, indeed, might not have been judicious in his choice of language, but it appears that he is on target if what he means is that U.S. military pensions are out of control and are costing the taxpayer too much. Military retirement costs have climbed more than sixfold in 'the last 15 years. The Pentagon will spend $18.3 billion next year to provide military pensions that are at least twice as generous as the best private sector retirement plans. On March 26, 2007, federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted Stockman in "a scheme ... to defraud [Collins & Aikman]'s investors, banks and creditors by manipulating C&A's reported revenues and earnings."
Now when Lanny/News-Press keeps complaining about gov't employees, he makes no distinction, therefore I conclude he's talking about the miltary too..shame on you Lanny...these people are fighting for the freedom that allows you to say stupid things..they fight for pussies like you and you think they make too much money??
these are benefits that I proudly support...
Military Retirement Overview
The military retirement system is arguably the best retirement deal around. Unlike most retirement plans, the Armed Forces offer a pension, with benefits, that starts the day you retire, no matter how old you are. That means you could start collecting a regular retirement pension as early as 37 years old. What's more, that pension check will grow with a cost of living adjustment each year.
Lanny and Nipper, you glamboys need to spend a year in boot camp...that'll whip you into shape...and give you some appreciation for the fine men and women who serve in our military and government...

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