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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Flim Flam Men...

his mind is up his sleeve, and his talk is make believe, Oh lord..the man's a fraud, he's a flim flam man
I didn't and will not partake in any SB Flim Festival event. Not because I don't like films, but because I don't like flims, which is what they make today. Back in the day, filmmakers were artists. You could tell by the scenery, the actors and the care that was taken to present a good film...nowadays the business just puts out flims..a bunch of special effects and no real story... and the stars, the celebs they are fawning over...Sarah Bullock? James Cameron? what has Sarah Bullock ever done..she's goofy looking with a funny nose and her talent as an actress is pretty flimsy..and Cameron...he makes big blockbuster duds like Titanic and computer films but there's not real art there...a real director like the late Sydney Pollack should be honored as an artist..a guy who knew how to make a good film...
and the low point is when Cameron was presented with some award by Arnold Shhhhwarzeneger, the alleged Governor of California, although I haven't seen any evidence of leadership skills not to mention acting skills..oh boy, these guys are duds...steroids, fools posing as wisemen, clowns... flim flam men
Gimme a filmmaker with a real movie star, a real celluloid hero..McQueen in Bullitt, Bogart in Maltese Falcon, Eastwood in Unforgiven, Ida Lupino in anything.... Hitchcock...
If you covered him with garbage,
George Sanders would still have style,
And if you stamped on Mickey Rooney
He would still turn round and smile,
But please don't tread on dearest Marilyn
'Cos she's not very tough,
She should have been made of iron or steel,
But she was only made of flesh and blood.

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