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Saturday, February 13, 2010

just like Romeo and Juliet....

happy valentine's day weekend!!

"oh sweety poopie pie..I love you so much it're the reason I'm living..I can't live without you...I'll love you're the biggest and the best, you're extraordinary..I love you more than him..I'll never forget you... I am you....please never leave me.. f*&k me up my a*&ho&$...I need some time alone..I'm confused"
awright..these are some of the absurd utterances, moans, sweet nothings and notes I've received from women over the years..I fell for it at first, but after 20 or so years, I wised up and now can't be fooled by such blather...
you said that you loved me now and forever,
you even wrote it down in a love letter
but all those promises, that you couldn't deliver
are lying at the bottom of a tear filled river....
yeah, I cried some tears...of pain and joy for some of you ladies..and now you want flowers and candy? from me? are you kidding?? on Valentine's Day? who are you, Julia Roberts??
Shakespeare said it best: "To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day, all in the morning betime, and I a maid at your window, to be your Valentine."
Neil Young said it 2nd best: "a man needs a maid, just someone to keep my house clean, fix my meals and go away"..and you can add sex twice a week for good measure..thanks and I love you, too babykins.....

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