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Friday, February 5, 2010

Liberals Find Racism in NBC Cafeteria

I really feel bad for Lisa Calhoun, a cook, at the NBC cafeteria here in New York City, who thought it was good idea to serve “traditional” African American cuisine in honor of Black History month.

Her intentions were a sincere and heartfelt attempt to celebrate Black culture and what better place than New York, one of the bluest states in the country, right?


What Calhoun didn’t know is that somebody snapped a picture of this menu that was displayed in the cafeteria.

What’s wrong with Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, and Black Eyed Peas? Back in the day this used to be called “soul food” and it didn’t seem to bother anybody then.

I’m Puerto Rican and I love this food. I wish they had Macaroni and Cheese on the menu.

But, Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, the drummer for Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night" show band, The Roots, shot a photo of the menu and posted it on Twitter.

All hell broke loose after that.

Calhoun said in the New York Post:

"Questlove, who I serve every day and who enjoys my food, requested the neck bone [cooked in] the black-eyed peas and fried chicken, then got off the line, saying, 'This is racist,' " she said.

"The next thing you know, people were taking pictures of the sign and asking all the other black people in the cafeteria if this was racist. They said that it wasn't."

This is the ridiculousness of the Liberal mentality to find perceived racism everywhere, even in food that’s as much a part of Southern cuisine in general and eaten by White people than it is African American faire in particular.

But once the “racist” bomb goes off all sense of common sense goes right out the window.

However, the crux of this matter is not really genuine racism at all but really “white guilt” that Liberals can’t seem to shake. They feel it’s their duty to wipe away any and all perception of racism they see, even if they see it in a can of tuna with bacon bits.

Unfortunately, Calhoun, an African American woman, is suffering injury today by the very people who think they’re doing her and other like her a social justice.

Gee, thanks for nothing,, Liberals!


Video courtesy of Another Black Conservative

Via New York Post

Via Memeorandum

From The Last Tradition

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