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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Obama Set to Break Tax Pledge to Middle Class

Throughout the presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama promised that 95% of Americans would see a tax cut.
After the election, Obama deceitfully changed the Tax Withholding tables that resulted in Americans getting more money in their paychecks.

But, our president conveniently forgot to mention that the extra money will be taxed back to the government the following year.

It was a neat Chicago-style trick Obama probably learned from the corrupt political machine that hatch the 44th president of the United States.

But wait there’s more!

Reuters reports that Obama intends to stick it even deeper to the American people.

“The Obama administration's plan to cut more than $1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade relies heavily on so-called backdoor tax increases that will result in a bigger tax bill for middle-class families.
In the 2010 budget tabled by President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House wants to let billions of dollars in tax breaks expire by the end of the year -- effectively a tax hike by stealth.

While the administration is focusing its proposal on eliminating tax breaks for individuals who earn $250,000 a year or more, middle-class families will face a slew of these backdoor increases.”

Full article Click here

Conservatives knew all along that Obama was lying through his teeth about his no tax increase pledge.
Now the lies are coming home to roost.

God bless us all!

Via Yahoo News

From The Last Tradition

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